theaters Taymour and Shafika
Neighbors and childhood sweethearts Taymour and Shafika's love is put to test when she's appointed to be a minister and he becomes her bodyguard.
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Neighbors and childhood sweethearts Taymour and Shafika's love is put to test when she's appointed to be a minister and he becomes her bodyguard.
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Dopuštaš da napaljeni čudak od terapeuta spava u tvojem podrumu? To je loša ideja!
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Refusing to believe in her skills, a cynical man challenges a dating coach to play matchmaker for him. But true love may be closer than he thinks.
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Archie i ekipa u Indiji 1960-ih nose se s romansama i prijateljstvom dok pokušavaju spasiti budućnost Riverdalea jer poslovni ljudi pokušavaju uništiti voljeni park.
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It's not that Motti is opposed to marriage. It's just that he and his mom have very different tastes in women!
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Tijekom boravka na Cipru, novinarka boravi u Moskovskom državnom cirkusu, posjeti mačji samostan u kojemu mačke imaju čudesne moći te se zaljubi.
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He said he'd climb the highest mountain to win her love. Now it's time to prove it. With the whole country watching.
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Izolirana žena pošalje 1212 pisama strancima. Dobije odgovor od samo jedne osobe, u koju se zaljubi... no ta bajka ima i mračnu stranu.
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After a devastating breakup, on the path to self-discovery, he's dancing to music that pulls at the heartstrings.
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Her ex broke her heart. Her apartment is lined with rejection letters. But this dope queen is hard to keep down.
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He's off limits, but he's the only boy she wants. And the price of following her heart could be losing her best friend.
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She'd given up on getting her own happily ever after. Then a knight showed up, just days before Christmas -- shining armor and all.
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They're done with high school. Adulthood's coming up. But for a season in between, nothing's certain -- and anything's possible.
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His idea of a romantic date? Wine, dinner and a discourse on the laws of physics. She was intrigued ... until she wasn't.
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A fizzling romance. A shocking crime. A ridiculous plan. They can't even figure out their relationship. How will they solve a murder?
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Ovaj film snimljen prema istoimenoj humorističnoj seriji prati mladi manchesterski par koji pokušava nadvladati međusobne razlike.
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When family tradition dictates that his big brother must get married first, a frustrated fiancé gives his shy, perennially single sibling a makeover.
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Need a last-minute knight in shining armor? A plus-one Prince Charming? To make his dream come true, he'll be anyone -- except himself.
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Her culinary vision is to revive her parents' hotel. But will a charming businessman leave her starry-eyed?
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A newlywed couple takes a luxurious vacation with their unmarried friends — but a wild night on the town leads to revelations, doubts and dilemmas.
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