Romantične komedije: 466 naslova


theaters S ljubavlju, Simon

Love, Simon

High schooler Simon isn’t ready to reveal that he’s gay. While trying to keep his secret, he searches for the identity of his anonymous online crush.
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theaters Samo jedan mali problem

One Small Problem

Ljubav njegova života mrzi djecu. Kad mu njegova devetogodišnja kći zato predloži da će mu glumiti sestru, što može poći po zlu?
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theaters Samo reci da

Just Say Yes

Vjenčanje iz snova na pomolu je... Dok joj bombastični trenutak na televiziji život i karijeru ne usmjeri u drugom pravcu.
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theaters Saving Sally

In this artist’s mind, monsters are everywhere. But telling his best friend he loves her is what really terrifies him.
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theaters Savršena kombinacija

A Perfect Pairing

Kako bi pridobila važna klijenta, ambiciozna direktorica iz L. A.-a prijavi se za rad na australskoj farmi ovaca, gdje zaiskri između nje i tajanstvenog mještanina.
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theaters Savršeno otkriće

The Perfect Find

Dolaskom na novi posao modna urednica odmah se nađe u problemu, otkrivši da je šarmantni mladić kojeg je poljubila na zabavi njezin novi kolega. I šefičin sin.
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theaters Sedmo nebo

The Seventh Heaven

Kad mu se život raspadne, Samuel odluči sve okončati... da bi na kraju spasio susjedu sa slomljenim srcem uvjerivši je da je on njezin anđeo čuvar.
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theaters Semi-Soet

To prevent a corporate takeover, a hardworking businesswoman hires a fake fiancé to secure a massive contract from a family-minded wine estate.
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theaters Set It Up

They know everything about their bosses. And if they use that knowledge to spark a romance, that's not totally wrong. Right?
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theaters Sezona vjenčanja

Wedding Season

Osjećajući pritisak roditelja da nađu partnere, Asha i Ravi glume par tijekom niza ljetnih vjenčanja... no plan krene po zlu kada glumljeni osjećaji postanu stvarni.
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theaters Shimla Mirchi

A young man who gets tongue-tied around women writes a love letter to his crush, but it ends up in the hands of her mother, who thinks it's for her.
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theaters Sí, Mi Amor

She's breaking up with him — but won't say why. He feels cheated out of an explanation but will fight to win her back.
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theaters Sillu Karuppatti

From first crushes to post-marriage relationships, love and connection are at the heart of the four interwoven stories in this anthology film.
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theaters Skakati sa zvijezda

Jumping from High Places

Kako bi ispunila posljednju želju najbolje prijateljice, djevojka s teškom anksioznošću suoči se sa svojim strahovima u pokušaju da vrati svoj život... i pronađe ljubav.
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theaters Slatke malene laži u gradu

Sweet Little Lies in Downtown

Ljubavni problemi isprepliću se u peterokutu između petero glumaca koji se pripremaju za izvedbu kazališnog komada u povijesnoj četvrti Bukurešta.
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theaters Slatko i kiselo

Sweet & Sour

Sve počinje zezanjem i smijehom, a završi suzama i slomljenim srcima. Obična romantična komedija s neobičnim obratom.
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theaters Smart Casuals

One couple just met. Another is attempting to marry — again. As one pair moves toward a life together, the other realizes love isn't what they imagined.
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theaters Someone Great

She's moving across the country ... and her boyfriend is officially moving on. Let the boozy bestie debauchery begin.
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theaters Sonja i bik

Sonja and The Bull

Ruralna zajednica pokušava spriječiti otkazivanje borbe bikova uslijed komplikacija koje prelaze granice i protivljenja aktivistice za prava životinja.
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