Romantične drame: 193 naslova


theaters #FriendButMarried

Pining for his high school crush for years, a young man puts up his best efforts to move out of the friend zone until she reveals she's getting married.
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theaters 12 Gifts of Christmas

Siromašna umjetnica zaposli se kao osobna asistentica za kupovinu. Šef joj je direktor marketinga kojemu se ne svidi samo njezin nos za dobre blagdanske poklone.
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theaters 15 August

It’s a day to observe their country’s freedom. This year, some heartache -- and hilarity -- may help them find their own.
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theaters 6 Years

They've been each other's whole world since they were teens. But adulthood just might pull them apart.
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theaters Aloha

Po povratku na Havaje zbog lansiranja satelita nabavljač vojne opreme ubrzo se zaljubi i u svoju bivšu ljubav i u živahnu vojnu pratnju.
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theaters Anđeli bez raja

Symphony Of Love

Mladi Franz Schubert podučava groficu u Budimpešti, a satovi glazbe prerastu u ljubavnu vezu. Njezin zaručnik izazove kompozitora na dvoboj.
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theaters Asoka

This elaborate Bollywood epic dramatizes one man's transformation from a vengeful and cunning warrior into a legendary leader and teacher of Buddhism.
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theaters Ave Maryam

She's a dutiful servant of the Lord. But can this nun's commitment endure the amorous test of the heart?
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theaters Axone

In Delhi, friends from Northeast India prepare a pungent delicacy for a wedding party, sparking conflict and comedy with their unaccustomed neighbors.
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theaters Baby Mamas

They're not related, but their drama as mamas is all the same. Time to come together as sisters.
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theaters Barbara

Krotki svećenik i senzualna udovica neobičan su par. A još je čudnije to što je ona pokopala već dva muža, oba pastora.
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