Političke drame: 54 naslova


theaters 4th Republic

Blood has been spilled in an election that's beyond rigged. How much more will be shed for the truth to be exposed?
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theaters A Twelve Year Night

Their knuckles were raw from tapping code through prison walls. Their bodies were weakened by torture. But their spirits could not be broken.
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theaters Barry

Long before he sought the presidency in Washington, D.C., he was a college kid in New York in search of himself.
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theaters Beirut

A tragedy led this diplomat to the end of his career -- and to the bottle. But now the fate of a hostage rests in his hands.
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theaters Čikaška sedmorka

The Trial of the Chicago 7

Nepopularan rat. Masovan prosvjed. Nasilan sukob. Izašli su na ulice u borbi za pravdu. Na sudu će ući u povijest.
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theaters Divlje cvijeće

Det store flip

Škola za maoiste, seksi rituali, kolačići s hašišom, bez seksualnih inhibicija. Je li Cristoffer u raju ili u paklu?
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theaters Djeca čovječanstva

Children of Men

U mračnoj budućnosti ljudi više ne mogu imati djecu. Kada jedna žena neobjašnjivo zatrudni, a u zaštitu joj ustane neodlučan birokrat.
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theaters Dorasaani

Fate has cast them in different stanzas. But will poetry set in motion a love that can defy the rules of society?
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theaters Eto tvoga života

Here Is Your Life

Tinejdžer iz radničke klase u Švedskoj s početka 20. stoljeća odrasta obavljajući razne poslove kako bi, nakon što mu se otac razbolio, prehranio obitelj.
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theaters Gradonačelnik ribar

The Major Fisherman

Odlučan je svoj rodni grad ponovo pretvoriti u pastoralni raj na obali. Ostali ne vjeruju da će uspjeti.
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theaters Gun City

Mobsters. Corrupt cops. Labor strikers. Women's rights protestors. Add a stolen arms shipment and you've got a ticking time bomb.
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theaters Hejter

The Hater

Dok nacionalizam jača, on iz sjene potiče bijes na internetu. No vatra koju raspiruje mogla bi spaliti sve.
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theaters Izjaši u noć

Ride Tonight!

U ovoj filmskoj adaptaciji romana Vilhelma Moberga seljaci ustanu protiv ugnjetavanja zemljoposjednika nakon što jedan poljoprivrednik odbije platiti porez.
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theaters Kaagar

When an activist begins aiding a shrewd political advisor — also his girlfriend’s father, personal agendas lead to betrayal as love and duty clash.
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theaters Karin Månsdotter

Uspon seljačke kraljice Karin i njezina ljubav prema kralju Eriku XIV završe tragično nakon pobjede politike i struktura moći. Prema Strindbergovom dramskom klasiku.
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theaters Karl Fredrik na vlasti

Karl Fredrik Reigns

Farmer koji dogura do pozicije ministra usred poljoprivredne krize zamoljen je da pomogne grofici koja ga je izbacila s njegove zemlje.
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