theaters Cosmos Laundromat: First Cycle
Despondent on a desolate island, a suicidal sheep is thrown a lifeline by a quirky salesman, who offers him the gift of a lifetime.
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Despondent on a desolate island, a suicidal sheep is thrown a lifeline by a quirky salesman, who offers him the gift of a lifetime.
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Zanesena zaposlenica popularne kozmetičke tvrtke angažira bajnoga fotografa koji je potajice zaljubljen u njezinu tetu, ujedno i veliku suparnicu.
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She was mistreated due to her religion. But this only drove her to embrace her faith even more tightly.
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When the war came, quick cash was everywhere to be found. Especially in places honorable men wouldn't go.
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Vjenčanje iz snova na pomolu je... Dok joj bombastični trenutak na televiziji život i karijeru ne usmjeri u drugom pravcu.
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By channeling his outrage into action, he aimed to hit the Nazis where it hurts, using the most powerful weapon he had: a bank.
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Vlasnici luksuzne toskanske vile ugošćuju zaručene parove i njihove goste koji idu na predivna, no katkad i zbunjujuća vjenčanja.
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Na Ibizi, gdje svi žele ponovo biti mladi, trinaestero ljudi međusobno se zaljubi... i zavoli taj otok.
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