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A woman accused of her husband's murder hires a young lawyer. As the attorney searches for the real killer, he finds a host of surprises.
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A woman accused of her husband's murder hires a young lawyer. As the attorney searches for the real killer, he finds a host of surprises.
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Kako bi prodali kovčeg pun droge, dvojica sitnih gangstera dogovore sastanak s kupcem u napuštenom frizerskom salonu... gdje situacija ubrzo postane bizarna.
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Jezovito ubojstvo. Policajac vezanih ruku. Ostatku svijeta oni su ugledna obitelj, no on želi otkriti što skrivaju.
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Čarobna romansa u Monte Carlu donosi joj tajanstvenog muža, opaku kućnu pomoćnicu i zloslutnu vilu.
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Prekaljeni detektiv u potrazi za istinom o brutalnom ubojstvu mlade agentice za nekretnine razotkrije kompleksnu mrežu obmana.
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While facing backlash after a video of her at a nightclub goes viral, a teacher suddenly disappears — and a tenacious cop begins a thorny investigation.
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Confined to a bed, a former cop hunts a serial killer using only his wisdom and experience ... and a new partner.
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Two cops must contend with the uncooperative tenants of an apartment complex as they try to solve a murder before the crime scene is wiped clean.
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A novice cop is up against a sadistic serial killer with a growing body count. And now it's getting personal.
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A bank heist gone wrong, small-town secrets and a trail of murders. The shocking truth can only be revealed in reverse.
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Nakon ubojstva njezinog bogatog muža Lora se automobilom odveze u noć. Ona, međutim, nije jedina s motivom za ubojstvo.
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Okašnjeli medeni mjesec. Šokantan zločin. Soba puna sumnjivaca. Ostanu li Nick i Audrey živi, bit će im ovo odmor života.
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Osnovavši vlastitu detektivsku agenciju, Nick i Audrey Spitz uhvate se sudbonosnog slučaja kad njihova prijatelja milijardera otmu na njegovu vlastitu vjenčanju.
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Two Jesuit priests must help solve a series of child murders in the slums of Manila — and find the serial killer who's preying on vulnerable boys.
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Inspektor Gregory nakon davljenja glumca tijekom BBC-jeva radijskog prijenosa otkrije da je žrtva imala mnogo neprijatelja.
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Zaljubljenicu u istinite zločine zaokupi ubojstvo njezine sestre iz visokog društva. Na njoj je da pronađe krivca u vili punoj otmjenih sumnjivaca.
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All he wants to do is leave town and start over. But first, he needs to deal with his ex, his new roomie and the enemies who want him dead.
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Dok detektiv istražuje okrutno ubojstvo mlade prostitutke, svjedoci postaju meta misterioznog plaćenog ubojice.
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The police suspect a murderer may belong to the cult that he’s investigating. This is new territory -- even for him.
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Cjeloživotno prijateljstvo. Nestala kći. I suočavanje s prošlošću koje bi im moglo promijeniti budućnost.
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