Kriminalistički filmovi: 873 naslova


theaters Braća Santana


Tragedija u djetinjstvu razdvojila ih je, a sada će ih ujediniti još moćnija sila: želja za osvetom.
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theaters Bratstvo lopova

Den of Thieves

Izuzetno sposobnoj ekipi pljačkaša banaka koja planira orobiti navodno neprobojan trezor federalnih zaliha na putu stoji elitna losanđeleska policijska postrojba.
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theaters Breslau: Povijest zločina

The Plagues of Breslau

Nakon što je pronađeno truplo ušiveno u kravlju kožu, detektiv iz Wrocława otkriva da ubojica rekreira „kugu” iz 18. stoljeća: svakodnevna smaknuća zločinaca.
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theaters Bright

He's stuck with a partner nobody wants, in a city on edge. And tonight, a mystical weapon will unleash chaotic forces.
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theaters Buffoon

A street theater performer scrambling for cash to get out of town is pulled into a dangerous web of drug trafficking and political corruption.
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theaters BuyBust

When a job goes murderously wrong and enemies are everywhere, she's got just one mission left: to get out alive.
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theaters Cairo Road

U ovoj kriminalističkoj drami dvojica agenata za narkotike koji istražuju ubojstvo bogata biznismena u Port Saidu razotkriju veliki lanac krijumčarenja droge.
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theaters Calibre

A shocking deed turned their weekend trip into a nightmare. Now their only hope is to swallow their paranoia and act normal.
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theaters Carlos

Carlos Šakal venezuelanski je terorist odgovoran za gomilu ubojstava, otmica i eksplozija bombi diljem Europe i Bliskog Istoka.
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theaters Catacombe

The Tangled Web

Kada mafija koja namješta utakmice odluči naplatiti njegov golemi kockarski dug, profesionalni nogometaš mora se izvući iz okrutne mreže zločina.
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theaters CBI 5: The Brain

When a political leader's sudden death sets off a baffling case for police, it's up to ace detective Sethurama Iyer to unravel the mystery.
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theaters Centauro

Kako bi otplatio majčin dug kartelu, vozač Superbikea postane kurir droge, čime si ugrozi priliku da postane profesionalni sportaš... ali i vlastiti život.
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theaters Chamatkar

However dire your troubles, there's always a chance they'll be resolved. In this case, it's a "ghost" of a chance.
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theaters City Hunter

Vrhunski strijelac i beznadni plejboj, privatni detektiv Ryo Saeba nevoljko sklopi savez sa sestrom pokojnog partnera kako bi istražio njegovu smrt.
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theaters City of Joy

Violence took away their power. Now these women have banded together to heal -- and to take back their lives.
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