Kriminalistički trileri: 96 naslova


theaters 1922

Coveting his intractable wife's land, he commits an unspeakable crime and inherits it all. Still, a price must be paid.
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theaters 22 July

Families, shattered. A nation, stunned. A story of grief, strength and resilience in the face of hate. Based on real events.
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theaters A Fall from Grace

A divorce. A surprise second love. A devastating discovery. Now she's accused of murder. And a rookie lawyer is her only hope.
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theaters Accident

A contract killer skilled at staging lethal accidents fears he may be a victim of his own strategy when an accomplice dies in a mysterious mishap.
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theaters Adhugo

A different breed of hero on the hoof. An adventure to make audiences snort with laughter.
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theaters Američki psiho

American Psycho

Biznismen istesanog tijela i izgleda koji skriva njegovo ludilo patološki se ponosi svojim japijevskim pothvatima te se predaje naglim napadajima ubilačkog nagona.
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theaters Anaamika

As a woman scours Hyderabad for her missing husband, she becomes entangled in a conspiracy that suggests there’s more to the mystery than meets the eye.
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theaters Anatomija zla

Anatomy of Evil

Snajperistove oči mogle bi mu donijeti spasenje, ali najprije mora uvjeriti posramljenog vojnika da gleda umjesto njega.
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theaters Article 15

They’re invisible victims in an unjust system. He's exposing the uncomfortable truths that many pretend not to see.
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theaters Badla

She has the alibi. He wants the real story. Uncovering the facts won’t be enough -- there are lies to unravel here, too.
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theaters Blood Money

Ambitious Kunal takes a job in the diamond business, but his life is thrown into turmoil when he's drawn into the seedy underworld of his new career.
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theaters Breslau: Povijest zločina

The Plagues of Breslau

Nakon što je pronađeno truplo ušiveno u kravlju kožu, detektiv iz Wrocława otkriva da ubojica rekreira „kugu” iz 18. stoljeća: svakodnevna smaknuća zločinaca.
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theaters Calibre

A shocking deed turned their weekend trip into a nightmare. Now their only hope is to swallow their paranoia and act normal.
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theaters Carlos

Carlos Šakal venezuelanski je terorist odgovoran za gomilu ubojstava, otmica i eksplozija bombi diljem Europe i Bliskog Istoka.
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theaters Cimerica

The Roommate

A girl's freshman year turns into a crash course in Fear 101. And the final exam is going to be lethal.
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theaters Class of '83

One upright veteran. Five lethal novices. To clean up the unscrupulous system, they may first need to start playing dirty.
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theaters Čovjek s Mallorce

The Man From Majorca

Dvojica glavnih detektiva nakon pljačke u Stockholmu nastoje održati priču, dokaze i svjedoke pod kontrolom.
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theaters Da Vincijev kod

The Da Vinci Code

Profesor mora dešifrirati zagonetnu poruku u Louvreu. Ubojstvo i Da Vincijeva djela prikrivaju stoljetnu obmanu.
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theaters Dijabolični Totò

Toto Diabolicus

Nakon ubojstva bogata markiza glavni su sumnjivci nasljednici iz njegove obitelji, sve dok jedan od njih i sam ne postane metom, kako se čini, istog ubojice.
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theaters Drishyam

He'll do anything to protect his family. Even if it means making deceitful decisions that might come back to haunt him.
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