Kriminalističke dramske serije: 470 naslova


ondemand_video The Deep State

In the wake of a pilot’s death, a scandal engulfs a high-ranking government official — but two intelligence officers set out to prove his innocence.
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ondemand_video The Devil Judge

In a near-future dystopia, an enigmatic judge punishes the haves by carrying out his vision of justice in trials live-broadcast and voted on by citizens.
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ondemand_video The Good Cop

Dad's a corrupt ex-cop. His son's a straitlaced detective. Together they solve murders -- while trying not to murder each other.
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ondemand_video The Mire

Prostitutka i predvodnik mladeži pronađeni su mrtvi u jednom poljskom gradu '80-ih, a dvojica novinara posumnjaju u vjerodostojnost policijske istrage.
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ondemand_video The Search

Ineptness, corruption and ambition play lead roles in this ripped-from-the-headlines series about a girl's disappearance.
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