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Skupina mladih zajedno provodi svoj posljednji tjedan adolescencije i prvi tjedan dvadesetih godina te proživljavaju slobodu i sva „prva iskustva” odraslog života.
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Skupina mladih zajedno provodi svoj posljednji tjedan adolescencije i prvi tjedan dvadesetih godina te proživljavaju slobodu i sva „prva iskustva” odraslog života.
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Amateur baseball players go up against legendary pros in a championship to determine the ultimate winning team.
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The Korean table is a sight to behold. Dive into everything from grains to side dishes, and uncover what it takes to create the diverse and beloved meals.
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A humble bowl of good soup sits at the heart of every Korean table. Take off on a journey that explores the history and evolution of Korean soup.
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Embark on a gastronomic adventure of kimchi and discover what makes it Korea's most symbolic food of unity, history and ever-evolving creativity.
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A self-made executive navigates the cutthroat world of advertising, stopping at nothing — no matter how calculating — to become the head of her agency.
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Moćna čarobnica u tijelu slijepe žene upozna muškarca iz ugledne obitelji koji želi da mu pomogne promijeniti svoju sudbinu.
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An audacious part-timer who is great at her job and a well-meaning manager who is suspicious of the new hire, team up to keep a convenience store afloat.
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A mysterious, justice-seeking entity throws chaos into the life of a cop who's willing to overlook ethics and corruption for a promotion.
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Gradski klinac dođe na selo nakon što mu otac dobije angažman trenera školskog badmintonskog tima na rubu gašenja.
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Tugujući za najboljom prijateljicom koju nije mogla zaštititi, bivša tjelohraniteljica Ok-ju odluči ispuniti njezinu posljednju želju: slatku osvetu.
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At the start of their 30s, three friends navigate the demanding entertainment industry while juggling love, careers and dreams.
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Fate reunites a famous actress facing a scandalous downfall and a rookie K-drama assistant producer — and tests their budding relationship.
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Join baby Finn and his family on fun-filled adventures while learning something new every time. Get ready to sing and dance!
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It’s time to get moving and grooving with Bebefinn as he explores the wide world around him through music and easy-to-follow dances!
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Joined by his friends and family, Bebefinn learns about the world around him with lessons about sharing, riding a bike and so much more!
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A dogged detective in pursuit of a faceless drug kingpin gets a much-needed break when a survivor from a mysterious factory explosion decides to help.
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As a killing resembling a cold case resurfaces in a small town, the chase for the truth falls on two policemen who each harbor secrets of their own.
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Dvije sestre i brat, umorni od svojih monotonih, beznačajnih odraslih života, pokušavaju u njih unijeti smisao i slobodu.
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After witnessing a murder at a prestigious high school, a girl from a low-income family is given the chance to attend the school to keep her quiet.
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