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theaters Olsenova banda i crno zlato

Olsenbanden jr. Det sorte gullet

Troje djece iz 1960-ih upušta se u pustolovinu života. Nafta u Sjevernom moru i egipatske piramide tek su početak.
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theaters Olsenova banda rokera

Olsenbanden Jr. På Rocker'n

Četvorica šaljivdžija natječu se za status najboljeg rokera. No novi se neprijatelji mogu pojaviti bilo gdje...
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theaters Olsenova banda u cirkusu

Olsenbanden jr. På Cirkus

Znaš da ti je upravitelj sirotišta čudan kada želi raznijeti cirkus! Srećom, čeka ga eksplozivno iznenađenje.
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theaters OMG 2

A devout father takes on a dogmatic school — and his own moral beliefs — after the school expels his son over an embarrassing video that goes viral.
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theaters OMG! Oh My Girl

Tijekom brojnih godina nespretni se Guy susreće sa samopouzdanom June na krivom mjestu u krivo vrijeme... zbog čega pomisli da se sudbina okrutno poigrava s njima.
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theaters On je sve to

He's All That

U ovoj obradi teen klasika „Ona je sve to” influencerica specijalizirana za promjene izgleda okladi se da nepopularnog kolegu može pretvoriti u kralja maturalne večeri.
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theaters Ona mora otići

She'll Have to Go

Kada njihova baka ostavi svoje bogatstvo dalekoj rođakinji, dvojica se braće odluče dočepati tog nasljedstva... pod svaku cijenu.
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theaters Ona to mora imati

She's Gotta Have It

A free-spirited woman can't choose between a trio of ill-suited suitors: relationship-minded Jamie, shallow male model Greer and bike messenger Mars.
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theaters One 2 Ka 4

When his partner is killed, a young cop is forced to care for the man's four children, and solicits the help of a woman who moves in with them.
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theaters One by Two

The lives of a Mumbai man and woman who are both dealing with issues intersect through a TV dance show that she wants to win but he wants to sabotage.
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theaters One Last Shot

In this low-budget short film, two best buddies meet up for a night of booze-fueled fun before one of them moves to Vancouver.
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theaters Only You

Two brothers accompany a group of vloggers on their search for a mythical island. But when they find it, they uncover one sinister secret after another.
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theaters Only You

Back in her hometown for her grandmother's birthday, a real estate agent reconnects with a childhood friend, bringing new possibilities in life and love.
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theaters Ooh, You Are Awful

U ovoj vulgarnoj farsi lopov pokušava ukrasti plijen koji je zaštićen posebnom šifrom: računom iz švicarske banke skrivenim u nekoliko tetovaža na osjetljivim mjestima.
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theaters Operacija Fortune: Prevara stoljeća

Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre

Superšpijun Orson Fortune nevoljko udruži snage s najboljim operativcima svijeta i najvećom holivudskom zvijezdom kako bi zaustavio kupoprodaju smrtonosnog oružja.
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theaters Operacija Mahnitost

Operation Bullshine

Zgodni poručnik u protuzračnoj bazi privlači pozornost ročnica, što dovede do nevolja kada njegova žena dobije premještaj u istu bazu.
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theaters Operacija: Poljska

Operation: Nation

Član nacionalističke skupine u Varšavi započne zabranjenu romansu sa stranstvenom aktivisticom ljevičarkom, što dovede do niza iznenađujućih događaja.
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