theaters Baby Mamas
They're not related, but their drama as mamas is all the same. Time to come together as sisters.
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They're not related, but their drama as mamas is all the same. Time to come together as sisters.
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Caught between family pressures and small-time crime-fighting, a pair of bumbling cops tries to bust a massive drug deal and go down in history.
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Tragedija u djetinjstvu razdvojila ih je, a sada će ih ujediniti još moćnija sila: želja za osvetom.
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His career's in a rut. She's bored with suburbia. The last thing their relationship needs is an uninhibited new friend.
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Lucky Kunene adopts a criminal lifestyle that balloons into big-time crime, attracting the attention of law enforcement and a powerful drug lord.
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Izmoreni filmaš vraća se oceanu uz koji je odrastao. Ondje stječe podvodnog prijatelja koji će mu promijeniti život.
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The fight ahead may seem impossible, but he'll never give up -- his country's future is at stake.
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With their clashing demands, the mothers of both bride and groom turn wedding prep into comical chaos in this sequel to “Keeping Up With the Kandasamys.”
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Djeca su im zbrinuta i sad je vrijeme da vrate romantiku u svoje živote... Pod uvjetom da muževi prepoznaju znakove.
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He’s expected to take over the family’s fabric store. But he wants to make comedy his business. Can he stitch together a solution?
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Došao je iz svemira osvojiti planet. No upoznavanje novih prijatelja mogla bi biti njegova najveća misija do sada!
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Ide na spojeve da bi se udala, no vjenčanja nema ni na vidiku. Kada će završiti agonija samačkog života?
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Iako su na suprotnim stranama zakona, dijele isti cilj: razbiti lanac trgovine djecom, pod svaku cijenu.
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