Indonezijska produkcija: 88 naslova


theaters Kaka Boss

A ruthless debt collector decides that he wants to be a singer. But can he pull off a major career change — and impress his teen daughter?
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theaters Kang Mak from Pee Mak

Returning home with his friends, a soldier reunites with his wife, not knowing she's become a ghost. But her death's not the end of their love story.
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ondemand_video Komični kaos

Comedy Chaos

Nakon što je izbačen iz vlastite tvrtke, nesretni muškarac mora balansirati između svog osjetljivog braka i neuspješnog komičarskog kluba.
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ondemand_video Kretekova cura

Cigarette Girl

Priča nadarene obrtnice o ljubavi i samospoznaji raspliće se dok se opire tradiciji unutar indonezijske industrije cigareta s klinčićima 1960-ih godina.
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theaters Kromoleo

A young woman returns home against her grandfather's wishes, sparking hauntings by the Kromoleo, ghostly pallbearers who are tied to her father's death.
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theaters Kuyang

A couple moves to a remote village for work only to find themselves hunted by a supernatural entity out to claim their unborn child.
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theaters Lutalice iz Sjena

The Shadow Strays

Djevojka ubojica vješta u svome poslu suprotstavi se svome mentoru kako bi dječaka spasila od nemilosrdne kriminalne skupine i pritom će uništiti sve pred sobom.
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theaters Mantra Surugana

Arriving in her new dormitory, Tantri soon discovers the presence of an ancient demon connected to the mysterious disappearance of fellow students.
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theaters Missing Home

A married couple stages their divorce in order to encourage their estranged adult children to return to their hometown.
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theaters Monster

After being abducted and taken to a desolate house, a girl sets out to rescue her friend and escape from their malicious kidnapper.
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theaters Najljepša djevojka na svijetu

The Most Beautiful Girl in the World

Plejboj namjesti reality show o spojevima da preuzme očevo nasljedstvo. Plan je ispuniti njegovu posljednju želju: da mu se sin oženi najljepšom djevojkom na svijetu.
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theaters Obećana srca

Promised Hearts

Budućnost mlade žene ugrozi tajni dogovor koji joj život pretvori u kaos... no to je vjerojatno jedini spas za njezinu obitelj.
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theaters One Night Stand

A young man's trip to attend a funeral and a wedding on the same day leads to a journey of self-discovery when he's captivated by a chance encounter.
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theaters Par iz snova

A Perfect Fit

Iskre frcaju kad modna blogerica na Baliju upozna nadarenog obućara, zbog čega se zapita koliko je zapravo odana svojem zaručniku.
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