theaters Upcoming Summer
When a white lie leads to unexpected results, Chen Chen and Zheng Yuxing forge a deep friendship and must face the harsh realities of growing up.
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When a white lie leads to unexpected results, Chen Chen and Zheng Yuxing forge a deep friendship and must face the harsh realities of growing up.
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She rose from poverty to become a superstar in her homeland, but she's not resting on her laurels just yet. Next stop: global fame!
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U jedinoj postojećoj snimci njegova nastupa, pronađenoj 40 godina nakon snimanja, Matt Monro pjeva svoje slavne hitove u Melbourneu, na australskoj turneji 1967.
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Jedan kinkažu koji obožava glazbu krene na putovanje života od Havane do Miamija da bi ispunio svoju sudbinu i dostavio ljubavnu pjesmu u ime svojeg starog prijatelja.
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Kada mu šef, vlasnik noćnog kluba, bude primoran pobjeći iz Pariza, zaručeni pjevač u kabaretu mora se brinuti za njegovu živahnu kćer... koja mu sve više prirasta srcu.
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Mladi se kadet zaljubi do ušiju u kćer japanskog princa, no njihovoj ljubavi na putu se ispriječe dugoročni planovi za njezin budući brak.
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Walk down memory lane and experience the soundtrack to beloved film "Generasi 90an: Melankolia" through nostalgic performances.
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In this concert film, artists perform music from the soundtrack of "Filosofi Kopi," which tells the story of coffee and the people who cherish it.
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Delve into a musical concert and relive moments from "One Day We'll Talk About Today," a film about family and intergenerational trauma.
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Featuring a mix of film footage and special performances, this virtual concert honors the memory and music of revered Indonesian singer Glenn Fredly.
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They're fighting violence, injustice and discrimination with solidarity, inclusion, art — and with music that spans continents.
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Learn the basics of rights and citizenship with upbeat songs by popular artists like Janelle Monáe, H.E.R., Adam Lambert, Brandi Carlile and more.
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U ovom dokumentarcu pratimo nadobudni bend koji pokušava dostići slavu s pomoću „12 lekcija" glazbene industrije.
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Big dreams. Bigger risks. But when they take the stage, it's clear: Some songs are worth singing, no matter the cost.
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When two unlikely friends play hooky from school, accidental encounters and otherworldly events turn their day into a whimsical coming-of-age journey.
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Nina Simone achieved fame, fortune and legend status. But she wanted more. She wanted equality.
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A wacky candymaker admits a few people into his magical factory ... but things inside aren't as sweet as they seem.
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In 1970s Melbourne, a DJ named Boori Monty Pryor and his brother Paul navigate racial tensions and police encounters amid disco and discrimination.
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Sin bogata industrijalca tjera ženu da se zaruči za njega prijetnjama da će joj roditelji završiti u bankrotu sve dok se ne umiješa neočekivani junak.
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U ovom dokumentarcu mlada ženska glazbena skupina iz Italije 1968. otputuje u Vijetnam i, svirajući za američke vojnike, doživi rat iz prve ruke.
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