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With the world in ruins, a gleaming offshore haven offers the only escape -- for the 3% who can prove they're worthy.
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With the world in ruins, a gleaming offshore haven offers the only escape -- for the 3% who can prove they're worthy.
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The world they knew is long gone. Their new environment is dangerous, but not as deadly as their fellow humans.
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Artificial organisms are a biotech miracle, but two years ago it all went wrong. Renegade scientists want to fix that.
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In her profession, getting older isn't an option. Science has a solution, but it requires the ultimate sacrifice.
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Earth's future depends on a new technology, but the path to survival has a twist. Time's not up -- just in pieces.
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She is better than all the generations of robots that came before her. She might even be better than humans.
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Roditelji su im nestali i dom im je uništen. Nemoćni su protiv čudovišta kaiju, sve dok ne pronađu robotski jaeger.
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He's on a dangerous mission to uncover the truth from the only cop who remembers what the truth is.
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The endless city no longer responds to humans; its guardians treat them as vermin. He's fighting to change that.
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No privacy. No family. No monogamy. There are many rules in New London — and a stranger is about to shatter them all.
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Insects that eat people. A girl with secrets in her past. A young exterminator who's almost too good at his job.
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Aboard a spaceship where souls of the deceased are readied for reincarnation, a lone crew member’s rigid existence is disrupted by a spry new assistant.
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Bliska budućnost nudi nam nezamislive tehnološke napretke. No jesmo li spremni platiti cijenu za njih?
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Posežu za zvijezdama. Ostavljaju sve što vole za sobom. Što dalje idu, to su bliže dolasku kući.
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U budućnosti su bogati ljudi besmrtni. Siromašni su pijuni. Buntovnika vraćenog u život čeka teška misija.
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Tijelo je prolazno, a čast vječna. Kao i njegova reputacija u Harlanovu svijetu, osim ako uspije izvršiti ovaj zadatak.
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Kada golem artefakt padne na Zemlju, Niko Breckinridge povede međuzvjezdanu misiju čiji je zadatak otkriti odakle artefakt potječe i ostvariti kontakt s izvanzemaljcima.
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Umjetna inteligencija nakon globalne financijske krize gurnula je svijet u „održivi rat”. Zadaća Sekcije 9 otklanjanje je novih kibernetičkih prijetnji.
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Ona se pojavi u bujnom svijetu u kojem su ljudi daleka, omražena uspomena, ali je roboti koji je pronađu zavole.
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Bivši robijaš mora doći do zabranjene svemirske postaje. Jedina mu je nada lukavi krijumčar koji ima vlastite planove.
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