Filmovi za mlade: 177 naslova


theaters Double Dad

When she went searching for a father, she found two. Which is the real one? In her heart, she knows.
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theaters Dragi Davide

Dear David

Život uspješne srednjoškolke okrene se naglavačke nakon što svi u školi doznaju za njezin sočan blog o mladiću koji joj se potajice sviđa.
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theaters Druga strana priče

The Half Of It

Ona je talentirana i introvertirana. On je simpatičan sportaš. Zaljubljeni su u istu curu. Prve ljubavi su komplicirane.
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theaters Dude

Parties and hookups, heartbreak and loss. High school's almost over. Where's life going to take them next?
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theaters Engleske cure

Let's Get Those English Girls

Nakon što su pali na ispitu, dvojica pariških studenata poslani su u Englesku, no umjesto da uče jezik, oni ljeto provode jureći za djevojkama.
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theaters Fanfic

Dvoje srednjoškolaca duboko se povežu dok se nose s izazovima otkrivanja i izražavanja istinskih sebe.
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theaters Fashion Chicks

Introvertirana osoba napravi internetski alter ego radi pokretanja uspješna modnog bloga, no stvari se zakompliciraju kad se njezina dva života počnu ispreplitati.
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theaters Feel the Beat

A major misstep shattered her dreams of Broadway stardom. Her only chance for redemption? This adorable disaster of a dance team.
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theaters First Kiss

Zanesena zaposlenica popularne kozmetičke tvrtke angažira bajnoga fotografa koji je potajice zaljubljen u njezinu tetu, ujedno i veliku suparnicu.
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theaters For the Broken Hearted

In three interwoven stories, love ends up in limbo as romantic partners navigate bliss, loss, failures and feelings while trying to make happiness last.
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theaters Geez & Ann

He sweeps her off her feet. She yearns for commitment. Will her first love survive the test of distance and time?
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theaters GG (Good Game)

In a bid to turn pro, a young gamer risks everything to mold his team of amateurs into esports champions as he comes to terms with his grief.
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theaters Girl's Revenge

Bullying. Humiliation. An ugly truth. She's standing up for her friend. But her retaliatory quest is about to unravel.
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theaters Gradski kauboj

Concrete Cowboy

Buntovni tinejdžer pronađe dom među konjima, stajama i kaubojima koji žive u gradu te se dodatno poveže s ocem.
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theaters Hitac u srce

Heart Shot

U ovom kratkom filmu tinejdžeri Nikki i Sam zaljubljeni su i planiraju zajedničku budućnost... sve dok to ne ugrozi Nikkina nasilna prošlost.
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theaters HollyBlood

Očajnički želeći osvojiti naklonost svoje simpatije, sramežljivi tinejdžer preruši se u vampira, nesvjestan činjenice da u pozadini vreba istinski besmrtnik.
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theaters How to Be Really Bad

The devil's sassy (and bored) daughter makes a deal with her dad: If she can turn a good person evil, she gets to ditch hell and stay on Earth.
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theaters Ibelinov nevjerojatni život

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin

Tajni život mladog igrača World of Warcrafta živopisno je prikazan kad mu se prijatelji s interneta obrate obitelji nakon njegove smrti.
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theaters Ìjọ̀gbọ̀n

Četvero tinejdžera iz ruralnog sela iz jugozapadne Nigerije pronađe vrećicu nebrušenih dijamanata... no ubrzo im se za petama nađu lovci na to blago.
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