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Nella i Joe savršen su influencerski par. Nakon što je on prevari, ona se okrene AI aplikaciji ne bi li ga izbrisala iz života, no aplikacija preuzme kontrolu.
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Nella i Joe savršen su influencerski par. Nakon što je on prevari, ona se okrene AI aplikaciji ne bi li ga izbrisala iz života, no aplikacija preuzme kontrolu.
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Mađioničara iz malog gradića nimalo ne zanima nogomet, no ako želi oženiti ljubav svog života, morat će odvesti mjesnu momčad do finala turnira.
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Kada dođe do ubojstva trenera u elitnom klubu New Delhiju, lukavi istražitelj traži ubojicu i usput otkriva prljave tajne ekstremno bogatih članova kluba.
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Potisnuta tuga. Nakupljena frustracija. Njihovo je nezadovoljstvo mirovalo... Sve dok nije došlo do poremećaja.
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The past comes back to haunt the unflinching Inspector Chulbul Pandey when an old enemy, Bali Singh, returns and places his family in danger.
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Former friends Xavier and Yuva meet again in college as adversaries when their respective cohorts come to blows during their annual cultural festival.
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Jailed under a tough cop, an uneducated politician decides to spend his time studying for high school, while his scheming wife has plans of her own.
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Her gaze is focused on what she might become. But a chance encounter diverts her glance towards what she already is.
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A terrorist breaks into a married couple's home and takes the wife hostage, igniting a tense standoff that surfaces secrets and lies.
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Working on a complicated case, a fierce young police officer goes rogue to dismantle a lethal web of corruption and deceit — one epic battle at a time.
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On the trip of a lifetime, four women set out on motorbikes from New Delhi to the highest mountain pass in the world in Ladakh. Based on a true story.
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Cinični bivši voditelj TV vijesti tijekom svoje radijske emisije primi uznemirujući poziv u kojem uoči priliku za povratak... ali to bi mogao platiti savješću.
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After learning he was adopted from a Muslim couple, a Hindu man seeks his birth father but finds he must confront his bigotry to realize his quest.
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The sight of her has awakened him to the melodies of his heart. But can music so beautiful be free of pain?
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A young couple falls in love, but conflicting loyalties drive them apart. Years later, fate intervenes and hands them a second chance.
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Četvorica prijatelja odu na izlet po Punjabu kako bi jedan od njih prebolio bivšu djevojku, što završi neviđenim fijaskom.
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When a sex worker hires a gay songwriter to care for her disabled son, the ensuing bonds that form offer a complex portrayal of love and family.
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A nurse’s life is eerily unhinged when she starts communicating through a bizarre channel with a boy who died over two decades ago.
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Medical student Uday Gupta grudgingly joins an all-women's gynecology class, but being a good doctor — and person — rests on pondering his prejudice.
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Jedna je u zamci. Druga je bez oslonca. Svijet im govori kakve bi trebale biti. Morat će same napisati svoja pravila.
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