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Demons walk among everyday citizens, and the angels took off long ago. Who's left to save humanity? Meet your heroes.
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Demons walk among everyday citizens, and the angels took off long ago. Who's left to save humanity? Meet your heroes.
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A woman with only a short time to live and a man with the supernatural power to bring the world to an end discover the true meaning of life and love.
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Medicinska sestra. Slučajna superjunakinja. Po potrebi egzorcistica. Opaka do kraja. Iznad svega, želi biti normalna.
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This epic tale adapted from Diana Gabaldon's popular series of fantasy-romance novels focuses on the drama of two time-crossed lovers.
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She’s a goddess sent to the realm of mortals. He’s a crown prince of the heavens. Their passion persists for centuries.
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Princezi Fantaghirò u zvijezdama je zapisana velika sudbina: mora spasiti svoju zemlju od sila tame i pronaći pravu ljubav. No ta misija neće biti lagana!
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Dvije sestre moraju se suočiti s novom stvarnošću i nadnaravnim elementima nakon što se ispostavi da su im roditelji sudjelovali u ritualu kulta koji se okončao smrću.
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The ghost of an arrogant surgeon with a golden touch possesses the body of a first-year resident, making him the most sought-after physician overnight.
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This charming witch is casting a spell on her handsome neighbor. And she doesn't even have to use her magic to do it.
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Nakon što razorna bitka razdere Eterniju, Teela i njezini iznenađujući saveznici u ovom nastavku klasika iz 80-ih moraju spriječiti kraj Svemira.
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Borba tehnologije i magije: He-Man i prijatelji bore se protiv opasnih Skeletorovih sila u veličanstvenoj bitci za srce Eternije.
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On je običan čovjek koji živi običnim životom. Barem je tako mislio. Sada sudbine milijuna ljudi ovise o njemu.
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Love spurned is a most dangerous weapon. And the fate of two brothers hangs on the tip of its vindictive blade.
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Moćni tinejdžer Adam i njegova ekipa junaka otpadnika otkrivaju legendarnu Sive lubanje silu... i svoju sudbinu da obrane Eterniju od zlokobnog Skeletora.
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For more than a thousand years, she's helped ghosts cross the bridge to the next life. She waits for her own chance.
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Svemoguća božica koja se reinkarnirala kao mlada žena mora iskoristiti svoje moći kako bi osvetila sestrinu smrt i zaštitila svoju obitelj od uništenja.
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Seventeen-year-old Syd's got secrets, simmering rage ... and seriously inconvenient superpowers that are getting harder to hide.
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Her words can free the wrongly accused. His mysterious ability can lead her to evidence. Justice will be served.
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He's waited a millennium to become invincible. She's waited more than a century to become human again. The time is nigh.
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Krpeni zeko klempavih ušiju i mutnih sjećanja krene u veličanstvenu potragu za svojim najboljim prijateljem: malenim dječakom kojega voli više od svega.
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