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theaters Our Love

After a mechanic goes to Durban to woo an aspiring businesswoman from back home, his plans are thwarted by the city’s allure and his own decisions.
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theaters Our Lovers

A love-challenged man and a woman he meets at a bookshop bar begin dating, but only at the shop -- and without knowing anything about each other.
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theaters Outlaw King

Outmanned. Outmatched. Outlawed. For freedom, honor and family, a rebel king takes on the mightiest army in the world.
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theaters Outside In

She envisions a different life. He barely had the chance to start his. Their unlikely bond helps them pave new paths.
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theaters Ovisna o ljubavi


Zoe ima sve, brižna supruga, dvoje klinaca i sjajnu karijeru, sve dok jednog dana ne razvije neutaživu glad za seksom s drugim muškarcima.
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theaters Ovo je moja ulica

This Is My Street

Udana žena u pansionu započne vezu s podstanarom svoje majke. Kad on odluči da se više ne želi viđati s njome, sve se počne raspadati.
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theaters Ozbiljni ljudi

Serious Men

Zanemaren. Neravnopravan. Svijetu već odavno nevidljiv. No spreman je na sve da sudbina njegova sina bude drugačija.
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theaters Ožalošćeni

Good Grief

Ožalošćeni umjetnik koji je nedavno izgubio supruga, slavnog pisca, povede dvoje najboljih prijatelja na putovanje u Pariz, na kojemu se otkriju surove tajne i istine.
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theaters P.S. Volim te

P.S. I Love You

Nakon što joj voljeni suprug umre od raka na mozgu, ožalošćena udovica Holly Kennedy otkrije da joj je ostavio niz pisama kako bi se lakše nosila s gubitkom.
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theaters Pacijent

The Lost Patient

Probudivši se iz kome bez ikakva sjećanja na noć kad mu je cijela obitelj ubijena, mladić pokušava razotkriti istinu uz pomoć svoje psihijatrice.
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theaters Pad Man

Support for his innovation is scant, even in his own home. It isn't easy to change the world, even for the better.
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theaters Padavettu

In North Kerala, the people of a small village are torn between oppression and their aspirations until a young man sets out to fight for their freedom.
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theaters Paddleton

They live in so-so apartments and work ho-hum jobs. But their ordinary lives sparked an extraordinary friendship. And they'll need it.
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theaters Padovi

The Falls

Majka i kći koje su primorane zajedno odraditi karantenu tijekom pandemije bolesti COVID-19 moraju se suočiti s osobnim preprekama i tenzijama u odnosu.
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theaters Padu

After a crushing setback, the Malaysian women's basketball team rises from the ashes, seeking a return to glory at the 2015 Southeast Asian Games.
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theaters Pakao

El infierno

Nakon deportacije natrag u Meksiko, čovjek nema izbora negoli pridružiti se opakom narko-kartelu koji u šaci drži njegov grad.
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theaters Pakka Commercial

When an unscrupulous lawyer takes on a notorious client, the case pits him against his morally-minded father, an ex-judge with a past of his own.
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