Drame: 2522 naslova


theaters Monsieur Vincent

Ova zanimljiva biografija istražuje nevjerojatnu misiju francuskog svećenika sv. Vincenta de Paula u promicanju mira i vjere među svima: i seljacima i plemstvom.
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theaters Moon Hotel Kabul

On zna senzacionalizirati istinu riječima, ali iz izvještaja o njezinoj smrti morat će izbaciti svu fikciju.
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theaters Moonraker

Oliver Cromwell krajem drugog građanskog rata pokuša zarobiti Karla Stuarta... no neustrašivi plemić pomogne budućem kralju u bijegu.
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theaters Morrison

Visiting the hotel where his parents met during the Vietnam War, an engineer finds its twisting halls alive with restless memories of the past.
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theaters Most Eligible Bachelor

Harsha is a smart, successful expat ready to marry whomever his parents choose... until he falls for a candid stand-up comedian they don’t approve of.
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theaters Mosul

Grad je pao u ruke terorista i voljenih više nema. Ujedinjuje ih osveta, a njihova opasna misija postaje sasvim osobna.
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theaters Moulin Rouge

U ovoj drami smještenoj u Parizu 1890-ih francuski umjetnik Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec ima bolnu deformaciju i jadni ljubavni život, zbog čega utapa tugu u alkoholu.
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theaters Moxie

Patrijarhat je koma. Buntovne su djevojke kul. Ona zauzima stav, pronalazi svoj glas i pokreće revoluciju u školi.
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theaters Možeš samo sanjati

Dans tes rêves

Ambiciozni reper bori se za slavu uz pomoć producenta, bivšeg frizera, dok mu majka priželjkuje konvencionalniju karijeru.
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theaters Mr. & Mrs. Mahi

When a washed-up cricketer discovers his newlywed wife’s talent on the pitch, he begins to coach her. But his resentment grows as she starts to shine.
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theaters Mr. Bachchan

A heroic tax officer puts his life and career on the line to carry out a dangerous raid on a politician suspected of corruption. Based on a true story.
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theaters Mrtva sezona za ljubav

The Season for Love

Tražeći novi početak na selu, pisac koji nema inspiracije i njegova supruga na neobičan se način zbliže sa susjedima, što im u živote unese nove kušnje.
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theaters Mrtvi Brugge

The Dead Bruges

Usamljeni, bogati udovac riskira sav svoj novac i ugled uzdržavanjem mlade plesačice koja izgleda identično kao njegova pokojna žena.
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theaters Mrvica

Little Crumb

Nestašni 10-godišnji siročić u pratnji psa lutalice započne pustolovnu potragu za svojim biološkim ocem u Nizozemskoj 1920-ih godina.
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theaters Muallim

After completing his studies in France, young Ali gets exiled to an Anatolian town, where he becomes a teacher and begins to question his own beliefs.
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theaters Muchos pedazos de algo

Many Pieces of Something

Skupina mladih nezaposlenih umjetnika traži odgovore i nadahnuće na ludom glazbenom festivalu u Španjolskoj punom seksa, droge i egzistencijalnih kriza.
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theaters Mudbound

One family owns the land. The other has worked it for generations. Both are bound to the pain of the past.
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theaters Mughizh

To help his daughter with a fear of dogs, a father brings home a pup. But when tragedy strikes, the whole family must learn to overcome grief together.
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theaters Mukhsin

When young Mukhsin arrives in a new town, 10-year-old tomboy Orked adopts him as her new best friend, and the two develop a touching friendship that begins to spill over into the inklings of first love.
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