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theaters Kuća anđela 2

House Of Angels - The Second Summer

Godinu dana nakon prvog posjeta Fanny i Zac vrate se Västergötland, gdje saznaju da je vila Änglagård slučajno spaljena.
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theaters Kuća anđela 3

House of Angels 3: Third Time Around

Nakon 15 godina Fanny i Zac vrate se u Västergötland s kćeri Alice, koja traži odgovore na pitanja o podrijetlu svoje obitelji.
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theaters Kuća grijeha

The Beguines

Petnaestogodišnju Helenu, koja se osjeća usamljeno i čezne za pokojnom majkom, bivša ljubavnica njezina bogata oca izmanipulira da započne mutnu vezu.
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theaters Kućica za ptice

Bird Box

Budi tih. Budi oprezan. Ne skidaj povez s očiju. Dok opasna sila vreba, majka i djeca kreću na jezovit put.
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theaters Kućica za ptice: Barcelona

Bird Box Barcelona

U filmu koji proširuje priču iz blockbustera „Kućica za ptice” gledamo kako se, nakon što tajanstvena sila desetkuje čovječanstvo, pojavi zlokobna nova prijetnja.
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theaters Kućni ljubimci


Mačka, pas, kokoš, golub i zec. Tko bi rekao da pet običnih životinja može prouzročiti potpuni kaos?
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theaters Kuda je otišao Tom?

Where Did Tom Go?

Tom radi za mirotvornu organizaciju koja se bori za oslobađanje političkih zatvorenika. Nakon što shvati da nenasilje ne pali, odluči u ruke uzeti oružje.
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theaters Kuhar

The Chef

Mladi kuhar i njegov prijatelj prihvate posao na brodu, gdje se moraju nositi s opasno nepredvidljivom kuhinjom i dominantnim glavnim kuharom.
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theaters Kuiko

An ex-teacher's outlook on life shifts when he embarks on a journey to deliver a fridge — enjoying heartfelt moments and quirky encounters along the way.
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theaters Kula od pijeska

The Sand Castle

Četveročlana obitelj nasukana na napuštenom otoku bori se za opstanak, pri čemu se otkriva njihova prošlost i niz bolnih događaja.
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theaters Kum

The Godfather

Može li idealistični ratni junak preuzeti i legalizirati očevo kriminalno carstvo? Ne kad je u pitanju obiteljska čast.
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theaters Kurir

The Courier

Kada lukavo iskoristi priliku da se uključi u plan pranja novca, skroman radnik na parkingu nađe se u svijetu brze love i auta koji će ga neupitno dovesti do propasti.
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theaters Kurup (Hindi)

This thriller traces a now-infamous fugitive's early life, ambitious rise and murderous plot to cheat the system for quick money. Based on real events.
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theaters Kurup (Kannada)

This thriller traces a now-infamous fugitive's early life, ambitious rise and murderous plot to cheat the system for quick money. Based on real events.
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theaters Kurup (Malayalam)

This thriller traces a now-infamous fugitive's early life, ambitious rise and murderous plot to cheat the system for quick money. Based on real events.
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theaters Kurup (Tamil)

This thriller traces a now-infamous fugitive's early life, ambitious rise and murderous plot to cheat the system for quick money. Based on real events.
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theaters Kurup (Telugu)

This thriller traces a now-infamous fugitive's early life, ambitious rise and murderous plot to cheat the system for quick money. Based on real events.
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theaters Kushi

Fate keeps bringing Siddhu and Madhu together, but they only realize the true extent of their feelings when they help unite their mutual friends.
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theaters Kushi

Worlds and families collide when the son of a prominent atheist falls head over heels for the daughter of his father’s nemesis, a revered Hindu leader.
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