Drame: 2425 naslova


theaters Gospođica Julie

Miss Julie

Kći vlasnika imanja Julie raskine zaruke te se zaljubi u člana osoblja. Romansa koja je počela nevino završi tragedijom.
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theaters Govedina

Beef Cattle

Kad dozna da ima rak i da su mu dani odbrojani, Thomas odluči preostalo vrijeme provesti u oslobađanju svijeta od što je više zlikovaca moguće.
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theaters Goyo

Mladi autistični kustos živi u strogoj rutini... sve dok se ne zaljubi u kolegicu, zbog čega se mora naučiti nositi s dubokim novim osjećajima.
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theaters Grad iz mojih snova

City Of My Dreams

Siromašni nadničar sa sela dođe u brzorastući Stockholm i započne novi život pun izazova. Snimljeno prema knjizi Pera Andersa Fogelströma.
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theaters Grad u strahu

The Frightened City

Mafijaš okupi svoje rivale i oformi jedan veliki kartel, no kad se jedan provalnik odmetne kako bi se osvetio, izbije rat bandi.
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theaters Gradonačelnik ribar

The Major Fisherman

Odlučan je svoj rodni grad ponovo pretvoriti u pastoralni raj na obali. Ostali ne vjeruju da će uspjeti.
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theaters Gradski kauboj

Concrete Cowboy

Buntovni tinejdžer pronađe dom među konjima, stajama i kaubojima koji žive u gradu te se dodatno poveže s ocem.
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theaters GTMAX

Kada zloglasni bajkeri otmu njezina brata radi pljačke, bivša prvakinja u motokrosu mora se suočiti s najdubljim strahovima kako bi zaštitila obitelj.
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theaters Guilty

A shocking allegation. A defiant defense. A loyal girlfriend. He may be accused of the crime — but who's really being punished?
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theaters Gumraah

A murder investigation becomes more complicated when a police inspector discovers that the primary suspect has an uncanny look-alike.
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theaters Gumrah

Jailed for drug trafficking while searching for the dad she's never met, a singer gets unlikely support from a crook whose love she has long rejected.
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theaters Gun City

Mobsters. Corrupt cops. Labor strikers. Women's rights protestors. Add a stolen arms shipment and you've got a ticking time bomb.
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theaters Guna 369

He prefers to compromise. But to avenge loved ones and protect his innocence, violence is his best weapon.
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theaters Guntur Kaaram

Years after his mother abandons him and remarries, a man demands answers when he's asked to sign a document denying he is her son as she runs for office.
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theaters Guntur Kaaram (Hindi)

Years after his mother abandons him and remarries, a man demands answers when he's asked to sign a document denying he is her son as she runs for office.
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theaters Guntur Kaaram (Kannada)

Years after his mother abandons him and remarries, a man demands answers when he's asked to sign a document denying he is her son as she runs for office.
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theaters Guntur Kaaram (Tamil)

Years after his mother abandons him and remarries, a man demands answers when he's asked to sign a document denying he is her son as she runs for office.
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