Brazilske serije: 24 naslova


ondemand_video 3%

With the world in ruins, a gleaming offshore haven offers the only escape -- for the 3% who can prove they're worthy.
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ondemand_video Brotherhood

She wants to do the right thing. But in this unfamiliar world of violence and corruption, she'll have to get in touch with her dark side first.
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ondemand_video Dobro jutro, Veronica

Good Morning, Verônica

U lovu na predatora sa stranice za upoznavanje policajka neiskorištenog potencijala otkrije dvoje supružnika s užasnom tajnom i mrežom zavjere koja je prikriva.
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ondemand_video Mystery Lab

The Bermuda Triangle. Time travel. Zombie apocalypse. The science — and fun — behind some of the world’s biggest mysteries.
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ondemand_video Nevidljivi grad

Invisible City

Ožalošćeni muškarac koji traži odgovore. Ugrožena mitska bića. Suočeni s groznom kletvom, njihove se sudbine isprepliću.
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ondemand_video Prste sebi!: Brazil

Too Hot to Handle: Brazil

Zgodni Brazilke i Brazilci upoznaju se u predivnom ljetovalištu na obali. Da bi osvojili glavnu nagradu, morat će se odreći seksa.
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ondemand_video Sintonia

Troje tinejdžera iz iste favele u São Paulu ganjaju snove i održavaju prijateljstvo u svijetu glazbe, droge i vjere.
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ondemand_video Spectros

There are two kinds of people in Liberdade: the living and the dead. And they're about to collide in terrifying ways.
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ondemand_video Super Drags

A feather boa of truth. A condom force field. Magic gaydar devices. These superheroes have all the weapons they need to fight evil.
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