Akcijski trileri: 111 naslova


theaters Players

Learning of a fortune in gold being secretly shipped to Romania, master thieves Charlie and Riya assemble a crack team to steal it.
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theaters Početak


These dream miners go deeper in the human mind than anyone ever has. For a trip like this, firepower is required.
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theaters Polar

As an elite assassin, he's in for a surprisingly generous pension. The trick is living long enough to enjoy it.
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theaters Povratnik

The Revenant

This father will do anything to claim his just revenge. Even come back alive from an icy grave.
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theaters Pravednik

The Equalizer

Želiš izravnati račune s nekime? Istjerati pravdu? On je pravi čovjek za tebe. Vrijeme je za utjerivanje dugova.
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theaters Pravednik 2

The Equalizer 2

Skriva se na sigurnom mjestu i živi skromno i mirno... Dok se ne pojavi problem koji samo on može riješiti.
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theaters Prebrzi i prežestoki

2 Fast 2 Furious

Kada ga uhite u Miamiju, bivši policajac Brian O'Conner prihvati nagodbu s FBI-em da ode na tajni zadatak kao vozač kartela, a za pomoć zamoli starog frenda iz L. A.-a.
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theaters Project Power

Maybe you'll become bulletproof. Maybe you'll turn invisible. Maybe you'll explode. Whatever happens, this pill will change everything.
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theaters Punisher

The Punisher

A G-man's family killed at the hands of the mob. When all that's left is revenge, it's time for a war on crime.
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theaters Put na vrh

Sky High

Kad su u pitanju pljačke, samo je nebo granica. No cijena bi mogla biti prava ljubav.
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theaters S Storm

The stakes are high. The body count's growing. So the ICAC and police are taking a gamble -- they're betting on justice.
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theaters Saaho

A stolen fortune. A nationwide manhunt. Everyone's searching for this treasure. But one man has an agenda of his own.
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theaters Savršena meta


Prijevara pretvori preciznog snajperista iz heroja u traženog ubojicu. Toliko o domoljublju.
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theaters Security

He was desperate for work -- and way overqualified. But his first night on the job put his training to the test.
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theaters Sentinel: Agent u bijegu

The Sentinel

Kada mu smjeste, komprimitirani agent Tajne službe mora se boriti protiv vremena kako bi dokazao da je nevin i spriječio atentat na osobu na visokom položaju.
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theaters Sentinelle

Nakon vojničke obuke i borbe ponovo je kod kuće. Sprema se za rat protiv čovjeka koji je naudio njezinoj sestri.
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theaters Shaft

Like father, like son? Like hell. It's time for this street-smart dad to show his book-smart namesake how to be one bad mother...
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