Akcijski SF i fantasy: 73 naslova


theaters How It Ends

Their road trip began as a rescue mission. Now it's a fight for survival. And there's no turning back.
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theaters Jezgra

The Core

Zemljina jezgra prestala se okretati i znanstvenik Josh Keyes mora otkriti zašto... prije negoli se svijet doslovno ne raspadne.
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theaters Jurski svijet

Jurassic World

Kad se novi, smrtonosni dinosaur u zabavnom parku oslobodi i pobjegne, stručnjak za ponašanje životinja i direktorica moraju ukrotiti kaos koji nastane na čitavom otoku.
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theaters Jurski svijet: Pad kraljevstva

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Kada otok Nublar ugrozi erupcija vulkana, Owen i Claire žurno traže utočište za dinosaure iz parka... ali postanu pijuni u zločinačkom planu.
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theaters Kenny: Početak

Kenny Begins

Zli Rutger Oversmart dolazi na Zemlju pronaći moćni kristal pod svaku cijenu, a Kenny i dvoje tinejdžera moraju spasiti planet.
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theaters Knjiga o džungli

Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle

Torn between two worlds, he's on a treacherous quest to discover who he really is -- and the hero he's meant to become.
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theaters Kȏd 8

Code 8

U njegovom su svijetu supermoći zabranjene. Hoće li ovaj obični čovjek otkriti svoju pravu prirodu da bi spasio majku?
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theaters Legija


Usred ničega, u oronuloj zalogajnici, anđeoske sile dobra borit će se protiv demonskih zvijeri zla.
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theaters Ljubav i čudovišta

Love and Monsters

On živi u bunkeru i nedostaje mu bivša djevojka. Na putu do prave ljubavi ispriječi mu se apokalipsa s čudovištima.
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theaters Ljudi u crnom

Men in Black

Neobični dvojac vladinih agenata bore se s izvanzemaljcem koji pokušava pokrenuti rat između planeta. Slijedi kaos.
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theaters Maska

The Mask

Mask on, he's got crazy superpowers; mask off, he's a timid clerk. Crooks would love it. You can take that to the bank.
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theaters Matrix

The Matrix

It was a simple life. Then he woke up. Now this hacker-turned-savior is about to blow the dream sky high.
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theaters Monster Run

Jimo, an outcast who can see monsters, teams up with a monster hunter to fight evil forces and soon discovers her greater calling.
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