Afrički filmovi: 205 naslova


theaters Lockdown

At the onset of a pandemic, six strangers are thrown into forced isolation together at a Nigerian hospital. As tensions rise, their stories intertwine.
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theaters Lusala

Abused as a child and adopted by an affluent family in Nairobi, a young man is forced to start anew on his own and faces demons from his troubled past.
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theaters Ljubav, seks i 30 svijeća

Love, Sex and 30 Candles

U godini u kojoj sve navršavaju 30 godina četiri najbolje prijateljice nose se vezama, slomljenim srcima i šokantnom situacijom koja bi ih mogla razdvojiti.
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theaters Ljubavna priča iz Soweta

A Soweto Love Story

Očajnički želeći da joj se trojica sinova samaca ožene, majka obeća ostaviti svoju kuću prvomu koji to učini... što pokrene utrku do oltara.
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theaters Mala pljačka Velikog Nunua

Big Nunu's Little Heist

Bivši vojnik, sada dostavljač, slučajno se spetlja s nesposobnom bandom lokalnog krimi bosa i mora im pomoći izvesti odvažnu pljačku u zloglasnom južnoafričkom gradu.
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theaters Mali lajavac

Little Big Mouth

Ostavši bez benda i doma, zaigrani gitarist utočište nađe kod računovotkinje, njezina sina i oca. Mogu li zajedno raditi sjajnu glazbu?
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theaters Married to Work

To save their real estate agency, an ambitious businesswoman and her entitled boss must convince an investor they're married — despite hating each other.
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theaters Material

He’s expected to take over the family’s fabric store. But he wants to make comedy his business. Can he stitch together a solution?
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theaters Mense van die Wind

A famous singer-songwriter grieving a devastating loss finds hope and new possibilities when he returns to the family farm where he grew up.
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theaters Moms at War

Two fierce mothers become rivals when a school contest forces their kids, both model students, to compete against one another to be the best in class.
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theaters My Village People

A selfish womanizer finds himself in bubbling hot water after his reckless lifestyle accidentally attracts the attention of a coven of witches.
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theaters Nafsi

After she and her husband struggle to conceive, a woman asks her best friend to be her surrogate — which ultimately puts their friendship in jeopardy.
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theaters Nairobby

After successfully pulling off a heist, six university students live a life on the run as jealously and greed put their friendships to the test.
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theaters Nairobi Half Life

Young Mwas leaves his rural home in Kenya and sets out for the capital Nairobi, determined to succeed as an actor despite his family's misgivings.
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