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Two cops who are as different as night and day must team up in a case involving the highest rungs of the government, military and law enforcement.
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Two cops who are as different as night and day must team up in a case involving the highest rungs of the government, military and law enforcement.
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Two orphans raised as brothers become rivals as they vie for the title of Wizard King, the highest magical rank in the land.
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Power. Justice. Race. Inequality. Genocide. Colonialism. The law. One Rwandan adoptee learns atrocity hides many lies.
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A brilliant surgeon with a reputation for being difficult battles his colleagues' incompetence — and a new medical device that could make him obsolete.
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A successful executive is determined to do whatever it takes to protect the woman he loves, then meets a travel agent, who may be linked to his past.
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Četvero mrtve djece. Četvero maskiranih ubojica. Jedan detektiv s bolnom prošlošću. Hoće li se istina ikad otkriti?
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Zombiji posvuda. Nemaš se kamo sakriti. Kad mrtvi ožive, naučiš preživjeti, kao i komu vjerovati.
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Zna što su pravi božićni ukrasi. Zna što je veselo. I zna kako zaviti svaki dom u prekrasnu blagdansku atmosferu.
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They're secret agents, transferring into problem schools and using their wits to whip them into shape. They're on fire!
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Skupina tinejdžera iz LA-a uhićena 2009. zbog krađa iz domova poznatih potaknula je medijsko ludilo, a snimljen je i film. Dvoje od njih sada progovara o cijelom slučaju.
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Mlada žena koja istražuje iznenadni nestanak svojeg dečka udruži snage sa ženom opsjednutom NLO-ovima te otkrije nevjerojatnu zavjeru.
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Fun and friendly Blippi takes preschoolers along on interactive and educational field trips, keeping them constantly curious about their world.
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Celebrating 10 years of fun and silliness, Blippi and friends build a huge ball pit, climb through an obstacle course, bounce around with dinos and more!
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Ubojiti plišani medvjedići, strašila i drugi strašni susreti očekuju nesretnike na najluđim privremenim poslovima.
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In the nation's best cancer hospital, terminally ill patients are put under the care of a group of brilliant doctors, including one vampire surgeon.
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In early-1800s Colombia, three high-society sisters act as spies to help rebels fight against Spanish rule, and to seek justice for their mother's death.
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Koliko će daleko obitelj Rayburn otići da bi sačuvala tajne koje krije? Dalje nego što se to i usuđivala zamisliti.
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Twist endings. Morbid humor. Dark fates. Take the bloodride and journey into mystery — if you dare.
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Beastmen thriving in their own haven apart from humans. With help from a wolf, one raccoon girl searches for answers.
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He fought for equality, justice and peace. He inspired a rising generation -- until an assassin's bullet laid him low.
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Boca Juniors is more than a soccer team – it's a way of life. And second place isn't an option for this passionate club.
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Šašava ekipa voditelja podcasta istražuje tajanstvene nestanke iz prethodnih desetljeća u šarmantnom irskom gradiću koji skriva jezive mračne tajne.
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He fought bravely in Afghanistan. But the horrors of war were nothing compared to what he'll have to face at home.
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Bogdan Boner, samouki plaćeni egzorcist i ljubitelj alkohola, vrati se s novim maštovitim, bestidnim i smrtonosnim metodama. Demoni, čuvajte se!
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Čini se da je dragi Clark posljednja osoba koju bi Bog odabrao za borbu protiv zla... ali trebat će mu pomoć simpatije iz ureda i dobrih prijatelja kako bi spasio svijet.
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He's a half-horse, half-man, has-been TV star who drinks a bit too much. He's really got a lot going on right now.
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Od nezakonitog kockanja do namještanja mečeva, u ovoj drami nadahnutoj stvarnim događajima otkrij mutni svijet nekoć uglednog sporta tajlandskog boksa.
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Six nations liberated. More than 400 battles fought. The driving force? One man with a singular vision, which he embraced as his destiny to realize.
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Jealous exes. Rebellious kids. New flames. Their modern family is getting bigger -- and messier -- by the day.
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Dvije najbolje prijateljice posljednji put pokušaju poduzeti nešto da ih drugi primijete. No kada jedna postane duh, doista će morati živjeti punim plućima... dok može.
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