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Brazilski vozač Ayrton Senna, fasciniran automobilima od djetinjstva, postao je legenda sporta... sve dok nije došlo do tragedije koja je zauvijek promijenila Formulu 1.
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Brazilski vozač Ayrton Senna, fasciniran automobilima od djetinjstva, postao je legenda sporta... sve dok nije došlo do tragedije koja je zauvijek promijenila Formulu 1.
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Prije nego što je njegovo ubojstvo šokiralo Južnoafričku Republiku, nogometaš Senzo Meyiwa bio je državni junak. Tko ga je ubio i zašto? Ovaj dokumentarac istražuje dokaze.
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Organizatorica događanja iz Nairobija vrati se u rodno selo nakon 10 godina i suoči se sa svojom prošlošću... ali i rudarskom tvrtkom koja bi mogla uništiti njezin dom.
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Američki novinar u ratom razorenom Vukovaru pokušava otkriti istinu o tajanstvenom nestanku ranjenog hrvatskog veterana.
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Odbivši sudjelovati u sestrinu izopačenom planu, žena doživi izdaju i postane opsjednuta osvetom dok pokušava uspostaviti odnos s davno izgubljenom kćeri u zatvoru.
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Seven huge holes appear in Japan — could they really be gods? Eight people and their teacher share their stories and secrets before entering the unknown.
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A grieving family. A cover-up. A community on the edge. After a child's tragic death, a prosecutor seeks justice.
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Birds do it. So do bees. And humans? Oh, please. But how in-depth is your sex education? Delve into the many angles of getting it on.
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Želi poboljšati ženski orgazam, no nikad se nije seksala. Srećom, ima prijateljice koje je podržavaju.
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From getting laid to getting hitched, their paths to romance diverge. Love is fickle, but friends -- and parties -- last.
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Frustrations and feelings collide when a dynamic PR executive finds herself working with her irksome nemesis — who happens to be a megastar client.
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He lost something he cherished. For the sake of justice, he's sidestepping the system to compensate for the pain of his past.
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Against his better judgment, a lawyer steals a dead man's manuscript, but when the crimes in the book turn out to be real, he becomes suspect number one.
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Hana Asakura thinks his life is boring — until two distant relatives try to kill him. To defend his family, he must now master his shaman powers!
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Experience the exciting, essential work of the conservationists who care for the incredible wildlife within South Africa's Shamwari Private Game Reserve.
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Silly schemes, heroic feats — and endless fun. Shaun and friends turn every day on the farm into a woolly good time!
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After a complete reversal of fortune and looks, childhood sweethearts reunite for the first time in 15 years as employees at a fashion magazine.
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At a cosmetics company, a dashing rookie employee boldly pursues a senior co-worker to turn an unrequited crush into a heart-racing office romance.
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A new hero rises on a war-torn planet and discovers her destiny. With help from her friends, she fights to restore balance to the world.
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She's fierce. Insatiable. And she plays by no one else's rules -- in the streets of Brooklyn or the sheets of her lovin' bed.
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Najveći detektiv svih vremena i njegov vjerni pomoćnik upoznaju 21. stoljeće. Igra može početi.
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Ex-military doctor Yoko Nishi Freeman begins working in an old clinic in a back alley of Kabukicho, helping the colorful residents of the neon district.
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All through the night, they chase breaking news across Los Angeles, competing for stories and the perfect shot.
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Oni su sićušni, ali moćni. Gledaj kako ove životinjice preživljavaju s pomoću svoje brzine, vještine i intelekta.
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Four friends take a boozy weekend trip that spirals out of control when one woman's lover unexpectedly shows up to join the party.
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They hold the key to solve cold cases, maybe even prevent them from ever happening -- but not without consequences.
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Kada astronautkinja nestane, njezina obitelj očajnički traži odgovore. Međutim, što više toga otkriju, to se u većoj opasnosti nađu... i oni, ali i čitav svijet.
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Silicijska dolina danas je dom informatičkih kompanija koje vrijede milijarde. No, njihovi su počeci bili puni improvizacije, kaosa i revolucionarnih ideja.
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An aspiring singer reunites with her childhood friends to catch her big break — paving the road toward musical stardom.
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Power ballads. High notes. Great vibes. To win the jackpot, they're going big — or going home.
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