Sve serije dostupne na Netflixu: 2898 naslova


ondemand_video Roditelji i djeca


Four grown siblings juggle parenthood, relationships, careers and more as they cope with life's ups and downs in this drama set in Berkeley, California.
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ondemand_video Rođak s drugog svijeta

Uncle from Another World

Probudivši se iznenada iz kome nakon 17 godina, Takafumijev sredovječni stric počne govoriti neprepoznatljivim jezikom i iskazivati magične moći.
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ondemand_video Rođeni vođe

Live to Lead

Vođe posvećene stvaranju boljeg svijeta dijele svoje nadahnjujuće životne priče u ovoj seriji čiji su izvršni producenti princ Harry i Meghan.
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ondemand_video Rok za ljubav

Love Deadline

Tražeći pravu ljubav, žene putuju na prekrasna odredišta i upoznaju potencijalne muževe. U čemu je kvaka? Prosidbu moraju obaviti žene, a muškarci imaju vremenske limite.
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ondemand_video Romantici

The Romantics

Ova dokumentarna serija kroz arhivske snimke i sveobuhvatne intervjue s filmskim zvijezdama slavi život i ostavštinu Yasha Chopre, titana Bollywooda.
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ondemand_video Romantični ubojica

Romantic Killer

Anzu uživa u samačkom životu i romantika joj nije ni u primislima... sve dok joj sićušni ljubavni posrednik ne pretvori život u klišej romantičnu komediju.
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ondemand_video Romesh Ranganathan: Cinik

Romesh Ranganathan: The Cynic

Vrativši se u rodni gradić Crawley u Engleskoj, Romesh Ranganathan energično komentira veganstvo i svoju djecu te nam daje uvid u snimanje svojeg komičarskog specijala.
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ondemand_video Rookies

Led by their fervent teacher, a high school baseball team full of delinquents vows to make it all the way to the national championship tournament.
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ondemand_video Royal Rumble

The Road to WrestleMania begins here with a marathon melee as Superstars fight to outlast WWE's best in the legendary Royal Rumble Match.
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ondemand_video Rugal

Widowed. Blinded. Framed for murder. They left him with nothing, and he'll do the same to them — eye for an eye.
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ondemand_video Ruža crvena

Red Rose

Skupina tinejdžera mora preživjeti ljeto užasa nakon što preuzme aplikaciju koja im postavlja opasne zahtjeve sa smrtonosnim posljedicama.
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ondemand_video Safe

Inside the walls of this pristine gated community, everyone has secrets ... some more deadly than others.
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ondemand_video Saitama Host Club

Hired to revitalize a failing host club in Saitama, a cool-headed consultant scouts out the perfect host — but the candidate is a hopeless introvert.
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