ondemand_video Medicinska sestra
Nova medicinska sestra u bolnici posumnja da je želja njezine kolegice za pažnjom povezana s nizom smrti pacijenata. Snimljeno prema istinitoj priči.
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Nova medicinska sestra u bolnici posumnja da je želja njezine kolegice za pažnjom povezana s nizom smrti pacijenata. Snimljeno prema istinitoj priči.
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Prije dolaska optuženika u sudnicu odvija se suđenje javnog mnijenja, u kojemu nema nikakvih pravila.
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Netko želi ubiti Bárbaru Hidalgo. Može li pronaći krivca dok članovi njezine obitelji spletkare kako bi preuzeli kontrolu nad njihovim kolumbijskim poslovnim carstvom?
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Meekah and her best friend Blippi have exciting and educational adventures together as they explore the wonders of science and nature.
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Emotions resurface when a school teacher and her former student reconnect three years after sharing a forbidden attraction that scarred them both.
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Tinejdžer autsajder pridruži se skupini mladih kadeta odabranih da se povežu sa svemirskim Robo Mehama kako bi obranili Zemlju od invazije izvanzemaljaca.
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At a prestigious school rooted deep in corruption, a passionate math teacher and her brilliant student become entangled in a false scandal.
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While looking for the cryptic creator of an innovative augmented-reality game, an investment firm executive meets a woman who runs a hostel in Spain.
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In this classroom, everyone becomes the same age. No books, no teachers. Just lots of foolin' around.
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When the storm came out of nowhere, just as described by the witness, he knew this was no ordinary missing persons case.
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Pol se upiše na fakultet u želji da diplomira filozofiju, no izazivaju ga i privlače novi prijatelji i zastrašujući profesor.
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To save her kingdom, a determined young mermaid princess and her friends must join forces with the creatures that scare them the most — humans.
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When Mystic City loses its magical shimmer, five mermaid besties must use their fabulous talents and color-changing powers to save their beloved home.
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Ten days. Two holidays. One annoyingly close family. If he survives this visit, it'll be a Christmas miracle.
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Lovac, spisatelj, kuhar i ekološki aktivist Steven Rinella zalazi u najzabačenije, najdivnije krajeve svijeta, donoseći meso divljači iz divljine na stol.
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His followers revere him. Others suspect sinister intent. Is he a divine messenger – or a dangerous fraud? A fictional story not based on true events.
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Treći čin života donio im je nekoliko problema. No, njihovo prijateljstvo s godinama samo postaje sve bolje.
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Godine 2014. avion s 239 putnika nestane sa svih radara. Ova dokumentarna serija istražuje jedan od najzagonetnijih suvremenih misterija: let MH370.
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Moćni kartel preuzme cjelokupni život u meksičkom pograničnom gradiću Allendeu, što dovede do tragedije. Nadahnuto istinitim događajima.
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Iako vole američki nogomet, za ove je klince mogućnost oblikovanja vlastite budućnosti važnija od pobjeda i poraza.
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No degree, certifications or work experience. But he still got in, to the chagrin of just about everyone in the company.
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A secret land of unicorns, magic and elves. It's an awesome place ... except for the evil queen. And the dragons.
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Michael Jordan. Scottie Pippen. Dennis Rodman. Vlastitim riječima. Sirova priča o dinastiji Chicago Bullsa.
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Comedian Michelle Wolf wryly riffs on nude beaches, the gross things men like and the serial killer gender gap in this three-part stand-up special.
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Two guys, two chairs, unlimited possibilities. These improv masters are making it all up on the spot in this series of comedy specials.
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A bowl of noodles. A pork cutlet. Simple dishes, but nonetheless capable of bringing people together in mysterious ways.
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Bheem, a fun-loving toddler with incredible strength, is heading to school. Join his classroom adventures as he makes new friends and plenty of mischief!
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Vlakovi kreću u mega-misije kako nikad ne bi zakasnili ni sekundu. Punom brzinom jurimo prema Vlakozemskoj!
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He’s a sweets-loving, fun-seeking, pint-sized ball of energy with the strength of a superhero. He’s Mighty Little Bheem!
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Family. Friends. Fireworks. Diwali’s here, and it’s better -- and brighter -- than ever with Baby Bheem!
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