Sve serije dostupne na Netflixu: 2963 naslova


ondemand_video Medicinska sestra

The Nurse

Nova medicinska sestra u bolnici posumnja da je želja njezine kolegice za pažnjom povezana s nizom smrti pacijenata. Snimljeno prema istinitoj priči.
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ondemand_video Meduza


Netko želi ubiti Bárbaru Hidalgo. Može li pronaći krivca dok članovi njezine obitelji spletkare kako bi preuzeli kontrolu nad njihovim kolumbijskim poslovnim carstvom?
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ondemand_video Meekah

Meekah and her best friend Blippi have exciting and educational adventures together as they explore the wonders of science and nature.
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ondemand_video Meha kadeti

Mech Cadets

Tinejdžer autsajder pridruži se skupini mladih kadeta odabranih da se povežu sa svemirskim Robo Mehama kako bi obranili Zemlju od invazije izvanzemaljaca.
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ondemand_video Melancholia

At a prestigious school rooted deep in corruption, a passionate math teacher and her brilliant student become entangled in a false scandal.
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ondemand_video Meridian

When the storm came out of nowhere, just as described by the witness, he knew this was no ordinary missing persons case.
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ondemand_video Merlí. Sapere aude

Merlí. Sapere Aude

Pol se upiše na fakultet u želji da diplomira filozofiju, no izazivaju ga i privlače novi prijatelji i zastrašujući profesor.
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ondemand_video Mermaid Magic

To save her kingdom, a determined young mermaid princess and her friends must join forces with the creatures that scare them the most — humans.
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ondemand_video Mermaze Mermaidz

When Mystic City loses its magical shimmer, five mermaid besties must use their fabulous talents and color-changing powers to save their beloved home.
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ondemand_video MesoJed


Lovac, spisatelj, kuhar i ekološki aktivist Steven Rinella zalazi u najzabačenije, najdivnije krajeve svijeta, donoseći meso divljači iz divljine na stol.
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ondemand_video Messiah

His followers revere him. Others suspect sinister intent. Is he a divine messenger – or a dangerous fraud? A fictional story not based on true events.
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ondemand_video Mi jesmo


Moćni kartel preuzme cjelokupni život u meksičkom pograničnom gradiću Allendeu, što dovede do tragedije. Nadahnuto istinitim događajima.
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ondemand_video Mia i ja

Mia and Me

A secret land of unicorns, magic and elves. It's an awesome place ... except for the evil queen. And the dragons.
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