Sve serije dostupne na Netflixu: 2962 naslova


ondemand_video Flaked

Chip cares deeply about his friends, his neighbors and his town. It's just that he cares more about Chip.
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ondemand_video Flash

The Flash

Forenzički stručnjak budi se iz kome sa supermoćima koje koristi protiv sila koje prijete njegovu gradu u ovoj igranoj seriji o superherojima.
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ondemand_video Flinch

Cringe-worthy challenges. Crazier consequences. For these courageous souls, the slightest wince could cost them.
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ondemand_video Flower of Evil

Hiding a twisted past, a man maintains his facade as the perfect husband to his detective wife — until she begins investigating a series of murders.
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ondemand_video Freeridge

Četvero prijatelja tinejdžera mora poništiti kletvu neobične kutije koja, kako se čini, u njihove živote donosi nesreću... i još štošta.
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ondemand_video Freud

Before he revolutionized psychiatry, before he changed the world, Freud learned to fail — and brave the shadows within.
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ondemand_video From

Dezorijentirani putnici zatočeni su u tajanstvenom gradiću iz kojega nema izlaza, gdje im se zlokobne sile poigravaju umovima i love ih noću.
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ondemand_video Frontier

The land offers a boundless supply of pelts. All they need to exploit it are greed, brutality and a flair for treachery.
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ondemand_video FUBAR

Kada otac i kći otkriju da oboje potajice rade za CIA-u, ionako rizična tajna misija pretvori se u disfunkcionalni obiteljski posao.
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ondemand_video Full House

A naïve writer trying to save her past. A world-weary Hallyu megastar. One house stands between them. Who will triumph?
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ondemand_video Furije


Želeći osvetiti očevu smrt, mlada se žena uplete u mrežu Furije, čuvarice mira u pariškom podzemlju.
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