ondemand_video Dancing Queen
Snatching trophies. Getting gorgeous. Turning it up. Alyssa Edwards rules the dance studio by day -- and the drag world by night.
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Snatching trophies. Getting gorgeous. Turning it up. Alyssa Edwards rules the dance studio by day -- and the drag world by night.
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No threat is too small, no evil too great for this secret agent mouse and his sidekick! Villains: You've been warned.
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He's an eyepatch-wearing super-spy with a talent for saving the world. He's also, technically, a rodent.
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Dok ih jedni krive, a drugi smatraju junacima, radnici elektrane Fukushima Daiichi moraju otkloniti smrtonosnu, nevidljivu prijetnju: dosad neviđenu nuklearnu katastrofu.
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Being a good person isn't easy for him, but he's trying. Sort of. Luckily, his dark thoughts make for some big laughs.
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Ride along with a young boy as he makes friends and learns about the world. Won't you be his neighbor?
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Tinejdžer se u New Yorku uzdržava prodavajući rijetke mistične predmete čarobnjacima... ali petljanje u magiju opasan je posao.
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As cheerleaders and best friends, they lived by one rule: Always support your girl. Then she arrived — and it all came tumbling down.
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Beaches? Theme parks? Yawn. A dark tourist prefers places made infamous by murder, mystery and misfortune.
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Počelo je kao igra, ali što više pišu, to se više zaljubljuju. Mogu li se povezati i u stvarnom životu?
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Wine and dine or definitely decline? Six singles are set to take the next step in this dating reality show with a twist.
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These singles are looking for love — on dates that are awkward, romantic, relatable. Or simply perfect.
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They were born into a social class with a bleak future. But an exceptional school will help them beat the odds.
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The legend is back. Two electrifying master classes in comedy packed into one must-see event.
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Unbridled hilarity meets brutal honesty. Humanity may be a mess, but this comedy legend is at the top of his game.
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Ova uzbudljiva dokumentarna serija s pripovjedačem Davidom Attenboroughom donosi nikad dosad zabilježene zvukove iz prirode snimljene naprednom zvučnom tehnologijom.
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Radilo se o činovima nestajanja ili o optičkim varkama, ovim je stvorenjima za opstanak ključna boja.
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Zauvijek je promijenio kasnovečernje emisije. Sada se upušta dublje u seriji punoj srca, smijeha i iznimnih ljudi.
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The first human. First tool. First house. First date night? For the first family, there's a first time for everything!
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Teenage cliques rule the streets. Adults are mindless flesh-eaters. But hey, for Josh, the apocalypse is pretty sweet.
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Dvoje tinejdžera i mops koji govori bore se protiv demona u opsjednutom zabavnom parku... a možda i za spas svijeta od nadnaravne apokalipse.
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Izlasci. Prijateljstvo. Suparništvo. Drama. Sve je to dio njihova iskustva u kampusu na jedinstvenom sveučilištu.
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After moving to Tokyo for college, Kyosuke finds himself torn between his long-distance girlfriend Sa-chan and his beautiful, married neighbor Shino.
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Rivalstva, romanse, krize identiteta: ovu elitnu školu očekuje bolno suočavanje sa stvarnošću.
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An elite businesswoman becomes a material witness to a murder somehow connected to a missing persons case that occurred in her home town 15 years ago.
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His charm, impeccable. His tricks, astounding. But make no mistake -- with these stunts, life and death is no exaggeration.
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Više uvreda, više ozljeda, više loših odluka. Animirani život u Sunnyvaleu još je izopačeniji... I apsolutno urnebesan.
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High times. Lowlifes. These guys scrape by with the least amount of effort and a few visits to the penitentiary.
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Kad je tajanstveni ključ odvede u zemlju Oz, obična klinka Dee krene na glazbeno putovanje kako bi spasila magiju i postala junakinjom priče.
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U pratnji svojeg ljubimca slona koji mijenja boje, vesela djevojčica stvara glazbu, veselje i nevolje u pansionu Mango, koji pripada njezinoj indijskoj obitelji.
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