ondemand_video H2O: Just Add Water
Life was going swimmingly for these three teenage girls. Then they developed tailfins and magical powers.
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Life was going swimmingly for these three teenage girls. Then they developed tailfins and magical powers.
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When water gives you a tail and you call dolphins, sea turtles and jellyfish close friends, get ready for adventure.
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On je običan čovjek koji živi običnim životom. Barem je tako mislio. Sada sudbine milijuna ljudi ovise o njemu.
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Moda. Slava. Mističnost. Stvorio je carstvo i postao zvijezda. Sve dok nije prodao svoje ime i izgubio sama sebe.
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At a jail known for bringing joy outside its walls, a controversial question is asked: Who better to run it than a former convict?
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A trail of blood, gore, broken bones and shattered dreams follow him everywhere. So does a flying blue cartoon unicorn.
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Pjesnici. Buntovnici. Inovatori. Ovim plesačima umjetnost je prolazna, ali njezina je moć da nas pokrene beskonačna.
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U ovoj dokumentarnoj seriji Harry i Meghan dijele vlastito viđenje svojeg kompleksnog životnog putovanja, od udvaranja do napuštanja kraljevskih dužnosti.
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He respects the law. He enforces the law. He is the law. His fellow police officers? Eh, not so much.
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She was born to be a superstar. But she's trapped in a family of nobodies. Time to fire up the video camera and go viral.
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Stvarni ljudi. Stvarne priče. Stvarno zastrašujuće. Stvari koje su vidjeli grozne su i ne prestaju ih proganjati.
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Moćni tinejdžer Adam i njegova ekipa junaka otpadnika otkrivaju legendarnu Sive lubanje silu... i svoju sudbinu da obrane Eterniju od zlokobnog Skeletora.
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Diši. Vrijeme je da se ponovo povežeš sa samim sobom i s drugima te kreneš putem unutarnjeg mira. Nauči kako meditirati.
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Sanjaš o savršenom snu tijekom noći? Istraži prirodan, promišljen način utonuća u san, uz malu pomoć Headspacea.
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A crash course on the turbulence of being a teen is always on the schedule for the students at Hartley High School in this 1990s series set in Sydney.
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U ovoj seriji o odrastanju tinejdžeri Charlie i Nick nose se sa školom i prvim ljubavima te otkriju da bi njihovo neočekivano prijateljstvo zapravo moglo biti nešto više.
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The classic story of an orphan girl in the Swiss Alps, her gruff grandfather and the power of a child's love.
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Friendship, adventure -- and an unbeatable team. When these little ninjas have a problem, they always land on their feet!
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A renowned detective and his partner face the sordid underbelly of Helsinki when a crime wave disrupts the peace of their city.
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One man whom she hates more than anything. Another whom she's loved since childhood. Can she destroy one without losing the other?
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Incredible biotech. A powerful corporation. Allies turned enemies. Knowing who to trust is half the game.
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From Donkey Kong to Doom and Madden to Mario, level up with this fun and revealing look at the golden age of video games.
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Najboljih 0,01 % učenika kontrolira zakon i red u Srednjoj školi Jusin, no tajanstveni novi učenik unese nemir u njihov nepokolebljivi svijet.
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Brave spirit. Big heart. Blue hair. She's a helpful friend to all creatures -- and she loves a good adventure.
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Originators. Innovators. Revolutionaries. Hip-hop legends share the stories and sounds that changed the game.
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History is written not by the winners, but by the roasters. Some famous figures are about to get the Jeff Ross treatment.
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Oni su nacistička elita u usponu do najmoćnijih vođa nacije, no njihova je okrutna ideologija osuđena na propast.
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U ovoj uzbudljivoj dokumentarnoj seriji pratimo njujorške medicinske stručnjake iz hitnih službi koji pokušavaju balansirati intenzitet posla i osobne živote.
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Laura Willis, organizatorica događanja koja je postala upraviteljica ženskog zatvora, u ovoj dražesno sirovoj komičnoj seriji bilježi zgode i nezgode života iza rešetaka.
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Unbreakable bonds. Unspeakable truths. And one holiday reunion that could change the past, present and future.
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