Europska produkcija: 1941 naslov


theaters The Climb

He said he'd climb the highest mountain to win her love. Now it's time to prove it. With the whole country watching.
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theaters The Devil's Men

Land of the Minotaur

Kad turisti u Grčkoj počnu nestajati, irski svećenik otac Roche istražuje sotonistički kult koji štuje golemi kip Minotaura.
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theaters The Equalizer 3

Robert McCall vows to stop an Italian crime syndicate from brutalizing and extorting the residents of a small coastal town that has won his heart.
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theaters The Funeral Director

U ovom dokumentarcu voditelj pogrebnog poduzeća priča o znanosti i postupcima koji se primjenjuju u njegovoj profesiji, uz duboka promišljanja o smrti.
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theaters The Hand of God

U Napulju 1980-ih mladi Fabietto slijedi svoju ljubav za nogometom. Obiteljska tragedija oblikuje njegovu neizvjesnu, no obećavajuću budućnost kao filmaša.
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theaters The Hand of God: Očima Paola Sorrentina

The Hand of God: Through the Eyes of Sorrentino

Redatelj Paolo Sorrentino vraća se u svoj rodni grad Napulj i prisjeća mladih dana u ekskluzivnom obilasku lokacija iz njegova filma „The Hand of God”.
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theaters The Influence

Back in her childhood home to help her sister care for their comatose mother, Alicia must face a dark force from her past that now threatens her child.
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theaters The Invisible Guardian

When an FBI-trained cop returns to her Navarre hometown to catch a killer targeting local teens, she must also face personal demons from her past.
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theaters The Ivory Game

Conservationists. Investigators. Government officials. Risking their lives to end the senseless slaughter of elephants.
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theaters The Last Soviet Movie

U ovoj parodiji sovjetskih akcijskih filmova gledamo pisca iz Brooklyna koji istražuje podrijetlo svojih predaka... koji su bili veliki igrači u ruskoj revoluciji.
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theaters The Man on the Other Side

U ovom špijunskom trileru smještenom u doba Hladnog rata tajna policija zarobi tajnicu iz Zapadne Njemačke koja pomaže svojem dečku u krađi vladinih dokumenata.
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ondemand_video The Mire

Prostitutka i predvodnik mladeži pronađeni su mrtvi u jednom poljskom gradu '80-ih, a dvojica novinara posumnjaju u vjerodostojnost policijske istrage.
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theaters The Motive

Some people use their imagination to write a novel. His creative tools? Eavesdropping, manipulation, deceit.
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theaters The Name of the Game

Finski programer udruži se s legendom američkih arkadnih igara na trogodišnjem projektu izrade duhovnog nasljednika hit igre „Robotron” iz 1980-ih.
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theaters The Next Guardian

U Butanu dvoje tinejdžera mora donijeti važnu odluku: slijediti svoje snove ili brinuti se o budističkom hramu koji je u njihovoj obitelji već naraštajima.
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theaters The Next Skin

When a withdrawn, long-missing teenager reappears in a chilly alpine town, his heartbroken family begins to wonder if he's actually who he says he is.
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theaters The Occupant

He made commercials portraying the perfect family. Then he started to lose his. Solution? Find another family to steal.
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