theaters Aakasam (Telugu)
Hope, romance and new beginnings suffuse stories spotlighting Tamil cinema star Ashok Selvan in three different roles.
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Hope, romance and new beginnings suffuse stories spotlighting Tamil cinema star Ashok Selvan in three different roles.
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When a man falls from his balcony, an investigator questions the victim’s family, determined to uncover a darker truth behind the alleged accident.
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A tragic past. A new beginning. An unknown evil. They came here looking for peace -- now they’re fighting the paranormal.
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When a man comes home between COVID lockdowns, he connects with old friends and falls for a woman who feels influenced by her caste while finding love.
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On the fringes of Kuala Lumpur, two undocumented brothers must battle for survival together — until a social worker's help shakes up their familiar life.
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Two young boys must work together to stop robbers from breaking in after their family accidentally leaves them home alone during the COVID-19 lockdown.
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He's a family friend. She's a radiant little girl. And her parents don't recognize the danger until it's too late.
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Furali su ga svi kul klinci. Ovaj dokumentarac istražuje A&F-ovu elitističku vladavinu pop-kulturom u kasnim 90-ima i ranim 2000-ima.
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Omar decides to leave Alia for a more socially acceptable pairing. But when neither finds happiness in a traditional marriage, things escalate.
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African tribes will go to war if a legendary bat isn't found. Never fear, Ace is here. Things are about to get funny.
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Your city's most famous animal's kidnapped? Ace is on the case! There's no one better, or nuttier, to save the day.
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Ovaj dokumentarac prisjeća se povijesti slavne talijanske automobilske utrke u kojoj su sudjelovali legendarni prvaci i veliki proizvođači automobila.
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Nakon što njega i njegovu trudnu ženu napadnu u njihovu domu, bivši elitni agent nađe se usred smrtonosne potjere povezane s njegovom bolnom prošlošću.
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Tangled up with blackmail and crooked cops, the son of a former gangster seeks out his father’s old friends, who risk everything to save him.
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Usamljeni mladić nakon hospitalizacije svoje majke, bivše rock zvijezde, nastoji obaviti težak zadatak koji mu je zadala.
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He's kinda rich, kinda famous and entirely relatable. Over-the-top fun from a comic who can barely contain himself.
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Comedian Adam Ray transforms into Dr. Phil for this one-of-a-kind comedy show featuring celebrity guests, crowdwork and outrageous hijinks.
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Adam Sandler delivers a comedy experience like no other, with an innovative style that's as funny as it is fresh.
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Adam Sandler stupa na pozornicu i izvodi uzbudljiv i nepredvidljiv humoristični specijal pun pjesama, šala, pasa koji upadaju na scenu i ljubavi.
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Which sheep part to eat? What's better than porn? How not to send regards to the dead? Your burning questions answered.
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A different breed of hero on the hoof. An adventure to make audiences snort with laughter.
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Nakon neuspješne pljačke dvojica bivših vojnika zajednički pokušavaju pobjeći iz zaključanog trezora... i od još gorih nevolja koje ih očekuju izvan njega.
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Trojica prijatelja s invaliditetom, bez seksualnog iskustva, krenu na putovanje u Španjolsku u nadi da će izgubiti nevinost.
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When fate brings two strangers from different worlds together, they go on an impromptu journey, learning about life and each other along the way.
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Sredovječni ženskaroš Juan jedva se uspijeva uzdržavati karizmom i kockarskim vještinama... sve dok se ne pojavi Caty, koja tvrdi da mu je kći začeta prije 20 godina.
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While serving a long exile, a righteous warrior prince sets out on an epic journey across land and sea to rescue his wife from a demon king.
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A sex-worker-turned-entrepreneur moves to a small town and launches her own lingerie business, only to draw the ire of a preacher's wife.
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She's a cutting-edge comic known for saying what she thinks. And she's got a lot on her mind.
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Comedian Adrienne Iapalucci takes aim at our public figures, awkward tribute tattoos, virtue signaling and more in this unfiltered stand-up special.
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Bonded by trauma and hard times, a man who can communicate with the dead and his unconventional neighbor grow closer as war and tragedy loom.
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