Svi filmovi dostupni na Netflixu : 6224 naslova


theaters ATENA


Tragično ubojstvo malog dječaka povod je za otvoreni rat u jednoj zajednici u Ateni, a starija braća žrtve u srcu su sukoba.
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theaters ATENA: Iza kulisa


Zaviri iza kulisa s Romainom Gavrasom i njegovim timom u ovom ekskluzivnom uvidu u proces snimanja njegove tehnološki zadivljujuće moderne tragedije.
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theaters Athlete A

Shattered trust. Dashed dreams. Unimaginable trauma. That's just the toxic tip of a culture of abuse, corruption and cover-ups.
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theaters Athos

U ovom dokumentarcu filmaš dobije rijetku priliku da posjeti jedan od manastira na grčkom poluotoku Atos i dobije intimni uvid u svakodnevicu redovnika.
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theaters Atlantics

Injustice looms over the city. Love's fire burns. As the past possesses the present, what becomes of the future?
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theaters Atlas

Genijalna antiteroristička analitičarka koja nimalo ne vjeruje umjetnoj inteligenciji otkrije da bi joj ona mogla biti jedina nada za spas problematične misije.
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theaters Atom: Ljubavna afera

The Atom: A Love Affair

Ovaj dokumentarac istražuje povijest nuklearne energije iz perspektive inženjera, političara i odvjetnika s obje strane debatnog stola.
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theaters Attention Please

An aspiring yet luckless filmmaker begins to narrate a series of unsettling tales to his friends while the evening takes a disturbing turn.
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theaters Au Nom des Miens

Memories of my People

Prati freestyle skijašicu Marie Martinod kako se vraća sportu nakon rođenja djeteta s ciljem da osvoji zlatnu medalju na ZOI 2014.
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theaters Au voleur

A Real Life

Sitni lopov Bruno zaljubi se u učiteljicu Isabelle. Vjeruju da mogu živjeti zajedno unatoč njegovoj prošlosti, no u bijegu od policije prisiljeni su otići u divljinu.
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theaters Aum!

A group of Indonesian activists discreetly fight for reform while under the rule and watchful eye of oppressive authorities.
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theaters Auntie Faransa

After two sisters lose their mother, their lives turn upside down when they move in with an aunt who works as a professional mourner.
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theaters Aurora

The dead have crashed onto shore. If she doesn't lay their bodies to rest, the truth of their fate will go down with the ship.
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theaters Autostoper sa sjekirom

The Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker

Ovaj šokantni dokumentarac donosi priču o veselu i bezbrižnu nomadu, od njegova zvjezdanog uspona do strmoglavog pada nakon kojega je na kraju završio u zatvoru.
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theaters Aux pieds de la gloire

Provevši pet godina u elitnom trening-kampu, 18-godišnji nogometaš nađe se pred odlukom o kojoj mu ovisi čitava budućnost.
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theaters Avantura

Only the Night

Radnik u videoteci postane opsjednut ženom koja mjesečari i na sebe preuzme zadatak da je spasi od katastrofe.
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theaters Ave Maryam

She's a dutiful servant of the Lord. But can this nun's commitment endure the amorous test of the heart?
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theaters Avenging the Throne

Petorica umornih vojnika u 14. stoljeću na svojem dugom povratku kući potraže utočište na Malti, ali se ondje nađu u borbi za opstanak.
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theaters Avicii: Ja sam Tim

Avicii - I'm Tim

Prije Aviciija on je bio samo Tim. Kroz njegove riječi doznaj kako je veliki glazbeni talent postao jedan od najvažnijih glazbenika svoje generacije.
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theaters Avicii: Moj posljednji nastup

Avicii - My Last Show

Dana 28. kolovoza 2016. Tim Bergling, poznatiji kao Avicii, na pozornici noćnog kluba Ushuaïa u Ibizi održao je svoj posljednji nastup.
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theaters Awe

From every walk of life, they couldn't be more different from one another. Except for one way in which they're the same.
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theaters Axone

In Delhi, friends from Northeast India prepare a pungent delicacy for a wedding party, sparking conflict and comedy with their unaccustomed neighbors.
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theaters Aya

Aya enjoys flying kites with her friends, but her childhood is constrained by the fanatic beliefs of her father, who considers attending school a sin.
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theaters Aya i vještica

Earwig and the Witch

Nakon što je posvoji sebična vještica, staložena i bistra djevojka odrasla u sirotištu otkrije da ima čarobne moći.
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theaters Ayalvaashi

Comic chaos abounds when a simple misunderstanding causes two neighbors to transform from friends into enemies.
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theaters Ayinla

This musical film follows the life of popular Yoruba Apala musician Ayinla Omuwura, from his rise to fame and relationships to his untimely death.
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