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Krijesnice rasvjetljuju njezin svijet. Jedinstvena je i vidi ono što drugima promiče, ali sve što želi je biti shvaćena.
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Krijesnice rasvjetljuju njezin svijet. Jedinstvena je i vidi ono što drugima promiče, ali sve što želi je biti shvaćena.
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Egzotičan odmor pretvori se u urnebesni kaos kad gđa Slocombe, g. Humphries, kapetan Peacock, g. Lucas i ostatak osoblja trgovine Grace Brothers krenu u Costa Plonku.
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Špicasti ovratnici su jedno, no ova romska obitelj ne krši samo pravila mode.
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By embodying Andy, Jim changed forever. A comic innovator reveals how a reality-blurring role transformed his life.
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Behold as one ordinary man dissects the casual insanity of Hot Pockets, bathrobes and bald cupcakes.
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America's king of clean comedy delivers wickedly funny jokes in his fifth hour-long special.
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Legendarni komičar Jim Gaffigan donosi svoje misli o kaotičnoj 2021., kao i o orkestrima, milijarderima u svemiru i još mnogočemu.
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He's an affable guy who appreciates life's simple pleasures, like processed meat and hitting the snooze button.
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From overweight whales to indoor pools, no topic is too small for one of the funniest, and palest, men on the planet.
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He's obsessed with the most important things in life. Like doughnuts, biscuits, seafood and kale. And other food.
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Zvijezda Stellan Skarsgård suautor je scenarija ove pustolovne drame snimljene prema popularnom stripu.
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Gun nuts. Vaccine deniers. Donald Trump. The Aussie comedian's taking America to task, and he welcomes the hate mail.
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Nema te teme po kojoj Jim Jefferies neće oplesti, od napušenih koala i očeve vazektomije do vlastita odabira između kose i seksualnog nagona.
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The thrill of the cheese course. The agony of the ride home. And wide-ranging tangents in between. Welcome back to Jim's world.
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He's been poor and famous, rich and reckless, politically incisive and totally gross. And he has some wild stories to tell.
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In this unrestricted jaunt through a gleefully filthy mind, comic Jim Norton offers a personal perspective on romance, desire and sexual proclivities.
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British comedian Jimmy Carr unleashes his deadpan delivery and wickedly funny one-liners to a sold-out audience at the UK's Hammersmith Apollo.
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U ovom stand-up specijalu Jimmy Carr pronalazi humor na najmračnijim mjestima u svojem ozbiljnom i podrugljivom stilu, šalama za koje sam kaže da uništavaju karijere.
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Provocative punchlines, no-holds-barred humor, deadpan delivery and a barking laugh. He's a nonstop joke machine, and nobody emerges unscathed.
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He was raised on mama's honesty ... and makeshift Tupperware. Now, he's ready to dish on life's most hilarious lessons.
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From his mom to moonwalking to the origin of his name, Jo Koy hits the Philippines to celebrate his life and culture.
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Raising a teenage son can be hilarious, heartbreaking and gross all at once. He used to be the kid. Now he's the dad.
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Jo Koy blista na pozornici u ovom uzbudljivom stand-upu o kihanju u javnosti, upornosti, problemima koje donosi apneja u snu i o tome kako se izgubio u Filipinima.
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From social unrest to political scandals to grief: She laid bare the dark corners of American culture -- and her own life.
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Nakon što primi kraljičino odlikovanje MBE, pjevač i imitator Joe Longthorne održi poseban nastup u kultnom Hippodromeu u Londonu.
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Meet a guy who got into comedy for all the right reasons: winning a bunch of awards and getting famous.
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We're living in strange times, and Joe's trying to make sense of it all. Just as intensely as you would expect.
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Scientology. Lying to kids. Butt stars of Instagram. Just a few talking points from a master of Zen.
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Komičar Joel Kim Booster na pozornici u L. A.-u komentira procurjele selfieje, objedovanje u restoranu P. F. Chang's, čuvanje tajni te zašto su mačke bolje od pasa.
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Komičarka i voditeljica podcasta žali se na seksualne eskapade, TikTok policiju i na to kako je postala švedski model za pandemiju.
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