Filmovi dostupni na Netflixu (bez azijskih): 4342 naslova


theaters Entergalactic

Uselivši se u svoj stan iz snova na Manhattanu i zaljubivši se u prvu susjedu, ambiciozni umjetnik Jabari pokušava balansirati uspjeh i ljubav.
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theaters Epouvantail

U ovom kratkom animiranom filmu Paula Grimaulta mačka koja želi pojesti dvije ptice mora nadmudriti strašilo.
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theaters Eraksi


Grozomorna čudovišta u ovom zastraćujućem kratkom filmu iskaču iz magične knjige i stvaraju gomilu problema teti Opal i njezinoj nećakinji Nini.
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theaters Erin Brockovich

Julia Roberts earned an Oscar in this emotional drama for her portrayal of a twice-divorced mother who sees an injustice and takes on the bad guys.
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theaters Erotikon

Brak profesora entomologije i njegove supruge koja umire od dosade počne se raspadati kad ona baci oko na dvojicu drugih muškarca, a i on se upusti u riskantni flert.
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theaters Erozija


Izgubivši dijete, a gotovo i vlastiti život, tijekom poroda, novinarka sama tuguje kod kuće. Kada doživi uznemirujuće vizije i jezive napade, počne se psihički raspadati.
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theaters Erryjev miks

Mixed by Erry

Švercajući miksete koje sami rade u Napulju osamdesetih, ambiciozni DJ i dvojica njegove braće postanu iznenađujuće moćni producenti s one strane zakona.
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theaters Escape Room

U zastrašujućoj igri u kojoj se samo pobjeda računa, gubitnici moraju žrtvovati sve, uključujući vlastite živote.
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theaters Escort

Odgovoran otac provede noć u hotelu umjesto da pijan vozi kući i slučajno se uplete u niz zločina.
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theaters Estocolmo

Šarmantni Él i ne tako poletna Ella sa zabave ode u noćni đir po gradu i otisnu se na putovanje koje će im promijeniti živote.
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theaters Eto tvoga života

Here Is Your Life

Tinejdžer iz radničke klase u Švedskoj s početka 20. stoljeća odrasta obavljajući razne poslove kako bi, nakon što mu se otac razbolio, prehranio obitelj.
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theaters Evelyn

Grief. Joy. Anger. All the raw feelings break the surface during an intense trek through a landscape of loss and memory.
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theaters Evolution

Otkrij raznolikost evolucije, od drevnih oblika života u oceanima do stvorenja u koja su se njihovi preci razvili na kopnu.
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theaters Excuse My French

Assumed to be Muslim like many of his new public school peers, a young boy goes along with the misunderstanding, hoping to blend in with the crowd.
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theaters Exit Wounds

A disgraced detective teams up with an unlikely partner to expose corruption within the ranks of Detroit's toughest police precinct.
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theaters Extinction

They're here. And they want nothing less than total annihilation. One dad will do whatever it takes to save his family.
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theaters Extremis

A cherished life is slipping away. In this time of grief, a family's love becomes both their anchor and their guide.
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theaters Face Off

After unearthing diamonds in the wilderness, a man is hunted by a murderous gang and must outrun them with the help of a newfound friend.
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theaters Face to Face

After a heated spat between a husband and wife, their meddling families join the fray — and accidentally lock themselves in the apartment all night.
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